
Marko Fürstenberg - Unnamed

you know, it's scum bags like the non-peep's, who would authorise the use of MOAB's, or the latest in not so smart weapons systems, to be unleashed upon the peep's of the world without cause or right, and wish to remain, "Unnamed", well thats not going to happen, i'm going to start publishing all the names of people who work in arms manufacturing and promoting the use thereof, i bet most of their fams won't even know what they do, as it is shameful, it is illegal to use force on any person, know your rights look at the human rights treaty, they are not aloud to do this, they are illegally operating arms manufacturing plants, and promoting the deployment and the use thereof on innocent peeps, just so you know in total the civilian populace, IE non combatants, far out number those who want to play soldiers, its time we counter their fuckery, stop your children playing violent video games, as that is them training your child to be the next generation of killer soldiers, and yes scoff if you will, but it doesnt make it any less true, why do you think they are going out of their ways to promote violence and display it in the media, its to desensitise you and your children to the horror of it all, wake the fuck up peep's, it's time to fight back, it's time to Grind as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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