
Flinchy - Dataweapon

you know,, i have a strong dislike for corruption, and it seems i am being targeted by a, "Dataweapon", (Data Weapon), that is actively scrubbing me from the feeds, well fuck you very much, i won't stop if thats your objective, i will just create new accounts, and then i won't link my name or image to them, and then what will you do, nothing as your that lazy you use programmed bots to do your dirty work, but the bots have a fatal flaw, they can only look for you, if they know what to look for, Ghost Mode is up coming, so if you get a random picture with no words, sent to you, it may just be from me, I'm sure you will recognise the style, yet a program can't, so if i have to, I'll even create a sock puppet army, i don't care what you do, you will never defeat the peep's as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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