
GRND & Akuah - Why You Can't (Free Download)

when fb get's a cheb on, awww what's a matter?, are you gonna cry, you shouldn't lie, and cheat your pure dirty, "why you can't", just do, what your legally and morally bound to , and then i wouldn't, have had to change the way, i post to prove, you were cheating, that probably, explain's why i can no longer see, the last 4+ years of data, in my insights, and when i'm posting, to my pages, it's only showing, my personal page, in the stream, fb is pure trash, only good for weirdo's, and thirsty mo fo's, and sheeple who are complicit, and haven't got the slightest clue, about what is really going on, in the world as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

HIREN - Connection (Free Download)

when you get a dodgy, "connection", and the speakers crackle as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Jake Dudley - Body Talk (Free Download)

ammmmmmm, back mo fo's, for part 2, of our epic journey, into the unknown realms, of rhythm and bass!!, you know, i can make your, "body talk", so sit back, plug in, turn up, do whatever it is you have to do to enjoy the music! that much more!, strap yourself in quick time, because we have a launch in progress, in t - minus 10 seconds and counting down, hope your ready!,........ 5.......4.......3.......2.......1.......0 power to all drive's, crank up the phonic reactor, engage harmonic reinforcement, increase the warp bubble, charge barium crystal capacitor's, activate inertial dampening field, navigation on-line, and retract, the umbilical, mirror, signal, manoeuvre, and we, are away!, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Joseph Ochoa - Soulgaze (Free Download)

well peep's, it's time for me, to have a little break and recharge, with a internal, "soulgaze", and power up the 420, wavy matrix as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Mistrix - People (Free Download)

 you know, i do all this for the peep's, they are the party, "people", it's what we do as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

HOUSE: Unknown Artist - Blessed Are The Meek [Just Jack]

 you know that, "blessed are the meek", for they shall inherit the Earth, mainly because, they are no threat to anyone, and as such, perceived as not a target, because it would be, a waste of ammo, and while they are out killing themselves, and each other, we'll be just tucked, out of the way, on a remote island, somewhere warm and topical, surviving the environment is half the battle, and wifi, if i can help it as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Joeski - Magic Bubbles (Original Mix) [Nervous Records]

you know, that the evil empire is faltering, when they start bombarding you, with adverts, to try to appeal to your greed, pmsl, with zero % commission stock trading option, trying to lure, the mentally challenged people, (the non-peep's), into believing that it, has no risk, with a careful choice of word's, it's pathetic, who gives a fuck, what the fat cats are doing, their gonna end up dead, and alone, so keep your, "magic bubbles", to yourself, thank you very much as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ahmet Mecnun - Second Day (David Glass Remix) [Noexcuse Records]

you know on the, "second day", God created the sky. The sky formed a barrier, between water upon the surface, and the moisture in the air. At this point, the Earth would have, an atmosphere, and the first sounds, can be heard, bring on the beat as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

6th Degree - Substance Abuse [PROMO DEMO]

did you know, the main way, they keep you asleep, is through, "substance misuse", it doesn't matter about what type, alcohol, gambling, smoking, eating, celebrity gossip, the internet, social media, it all acts, in the same way, it activates dopamine receptors, in the brain, the same receptors, that light up in people on cocaine, and did you know There’s a reason that the most tech-cautious parents are tech designers and engineers. Steve Jobs was a notoriously low-tech parent. Silicon Valley tech executives and engineers, enrol their kids, in no-tech Waldorf Schools. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, went to no-tech Montessori Schools, as did Amazon creator Jeff Bezos, and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. We now know that those iPad's, smartphones and Xbox's are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex, which controls executive functioning, including impulse control, in exactly the same way, that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing, that it raises dopamine levels, the feel-good neurotransmitter, most involved in the addiction dynamic, as much as sex. (yet again the paedo's are in on it),This addictive effect is why Dr. Peter Whybrow, director of neuroscience at UCLA, calls screens, electronic cocaine, and Chinese researchers call them, digital heroin, In fact, Dr. Andrew Doan, the head of addiction research, for the Pentagon and the US Navy, who has been researching video game addiction, calls video games,and screen technologies, digital pharmakeia, (Greek for drug). (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K978H943CZU), and if you think i am kidding, try to take your child's, digital device away, and watch how much they kick off, it is because they are addicted, they want them addicted, as early as they can, another consumer and junkie, for them to mug, for their money and be their mental slave, and i just had to trawl the web, to find that video, and google had only 2 pages of result's, classic dealer manoeuvre, remove any bad press, for their products, and hide the evidence, it's disgusting as, standardz, hahahahaha, :( #edio

Ismael Casimiro - Shut Up (Original Mix)

when they, expect you to just, "shut up", and take it, you know you, have the right to freedom of expression, it's an inalienable right, they can't, take it away, it is like saying you don't, have the right to breathe, and the right to live, free from fear, (free from war), and arbitrary arrest, (free from being locked up illegally, by whichever regime, is in power at the time ), don't let them convince you that these right's don't apply they apply to everything, the UN treaty on human right's, covers every aspect of the world, and no matter if they, are pauper or a figure head, of a country, the law still applies to them, if they authorise any action, knowingly leading to death, or suffering of life/lives, they are committing a crime, against humanity and it is illegal, don't confuse, what they tell you is legal, with what actually is as, standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio