
Ismael Casimiro - Shut Up (Original Mix)

when they, expect you to just, "shut up", and take it, you know you, have the right to freedom of expression, it's an inalienable right, they can't, take it away, it is like saying you don't, have the right to breathe, and the right to live, free from fear, (free from war), and arbitrary arrest, (free from being locked up illegally, by whichever regime, is in power at the time ), don't let them convince you that these right's don't apply they apply to everything, the UN treaty on human right's, covers every aspect of the world, and no matter if they, are pauper or a figure head, of a country, the law still applies to them, if they authorise any action, knowingly leading to death, or suffering of life/lives, they are committing a crime, against humanity and it is illegal, don't confuse, what they tell you is legal, with what actually is as, standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio

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