
Alberto Ruiz - Conquest Dark Paradise (TFV Original Stick)

you know, I'm fucking fed up of fucking facebooks shit, and I'm tired of trying to make people happy that dont even give a shit about my happiness or the lack thereof, and I'm done trying to complete the, "Conquest Dark Paradise", as for the fifth time in the last hour, its made my system freeze up compleatly and crash, just from trying to post artwork and music, well fuck Fakebook its wank anyway, its responsible for spreading hatred and fear and intolerance and it promotes peado mentality and the tits out for the likes behaviour, and it can go fuck itself. I'm done with that shit, so fuck you mark zuckerberg you ginger curly haired nonse, shove it up your arse your a prick like you do with so much of that cheap cocaine end off as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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