
David Montoya - KoXist (Cabeau Music)

you know, they even say that there are beneficial bacteria that, "KoXist", (coexist, exist at the same time or in the same place), within they body, like the awful one not giving it a mention but the ones in those so called Pro-macrobiotic drinks, and thats simply not true, like the vita biotics its utter lies sold to idiots without common sense, for them to profit from stupidity and ignorance of others, ageing is the detrimental build up of toxins excreted by these nasty things bacterium's, and are the cause of all diseases and ultimately so called natural deaths, the medical establishment knows this to be a scientific fact, yet they keep on pushing treatments instead if an actual cure to these diseases and problems, which is incidentally the groove, well more specifically frequency but lets not split hairs, a rumble IE vibration is bass whichever way you look at it as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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