
Flug - Rave (Matrixxman Remix) [Suara]

you know, for a crow it sure does move quick, perhaps its been to get its, "Rave", and got its twirl on, like the dance and style of Crow men,which is unique and distinct from any other tribe. It derives from the original Grass Dance, When the dance was brought to the Crow they were instructed by the Hidatsa of the spiritual nature of what the Lakota and the Hidatsa refer to as the Crow Belt, what the Crow call a bustle or Tail Feathers. They also instructed the Crow about the spiritual aspects of the dance and the associated ownership that are the ritual positions. The people being adopted into it provided many gifts to those who induct them. These ownership's have been passed on and are still practised today. The Crow call this dance the Hot Dance, because when they received it they were instructed not to eat as poor people. That is, to eat well, to eat fresh hot meat. The Crow therefore called it BaatawÊelissuua, the Hot Dance as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

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