
you know, people are too busy getting all twisted up about the youth of today, but you know it's not the kids fault is the government, they have been busy axing all public support programs, such as youth workers and public groups, and anything that can have a positive influence on the lives of the peeps, which effects both young and old, while secretly siphoning off all the money into their own bank accounts, and using it for their own nefarious agendas, (funding wars and black-budget programs, drugs people trafficking), and every time their is a cut to public spending, there is a wage increase to the mp's, they are literally passing on the debt's to the people, and are trying to take even more away from the peep's, they are expecting us all to just put up with it, and like it, i can't see it personally, even i'd force a civil war, before i let them destroy us all, and i'm a pacifist!, you see this is all part of their agenda to create civil unrest, so they can send in the goon squad to keep order, more like enforcing their will upon the peeps, by means of violence or threat of violence, which in itself is an illegal act, see human rights list, right to live free from fear and violence, it's a basic human right, which they are blatantly ignoring globally! yet the UN doesn't do anything to enforce it, because they are a part of the corrupted system of oppression, and are making money from the sale of illegal arms, and other illegal and prohibited items, such as drugs and people trafficking, and the only hope for the UN is it need purging of these corrupted officials, or its treaty's and charters are worthless, they are actively pushing the war agenda, as they are all selling weapons, it's business for them, they don't care about the human cost or the morality of it all, and don't let them try to confuse the issue by making it about race, it's never been about race, its about money, the rich Vs the poor!, as a white British Man, i have been illegally evicted from properties, harassed by local government, and police, been left homeless from the age of 15 until i was 21, and even caught local authorities namely wdh housing committing fraud and the benefit agency are in collusion with them, allowing them to take money without a single shred of evidence, that i owe anything, (and i don't), and the local authorities refuse to help, even now i have nowhere, and they do nothing, i'm expected to sleep-on the streets, and if it wasn't for the kindness of others, i would have to, not because i'm scum, or have a drink or drug problem, (as i don't at all), i'm just a normal guy I've been searching for a property to rent, with bond and rent in advance, yet still l cant find a home, as they have been busy showing programs such as benefits neighbors from hell, to sway landlords and the public opinion from renting to people on benefits, leaving them with nowhere to go, the worlds governments do not care about you!, or me, or anyone other than their own sick groups, and even then its not a care as such, it's just business, they are warmongering, illegal arms selling,war profiteering pedophile endorsing, satanic cult worshiping, dirty mo fo's, and if i had half of the resources that they have been siphoning away, i could cure all disease, (which they are causing man-made genetically altered bacteria are viruses are released upon the public, so they can make money from the healthcare industry, they even are spreading cancers via wifi towers, which are really a weaponized platforms, i have the data the conclusively links the growth in cancer rates to the spread of the so called "cell towers", and there is much evidence to support this claim even create public housing and fix the environment, and yet they do nothing, but take and take from the peep's it's time to change It's Time To Rise!!!,

Studies that show WiFi and Devices Health Effect, (Eff ects of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi
equipment on microRNA expression in brain tissue
http://nomana.free.fr/public/EHS_publications/241&6.pdf),(Whole body 900 MHz radiation exposure effect on enzyme activity in male wistar
rats http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/Kesari+and+Behari+.pdf), (Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Biological Effects + Damage From Wi-FiHere is a collection of scientific papers finding adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz), complied by campaign group WiFi In Schools. The papers listed are only those where exposures were 16V/m or below. Someone using a Wi-Fi-enabled tablet computer can be exposed to electromagnetic fields up to 16V/m. Papers are in alphabetical order. A file of first pages, for printing, can be found here.

If you feel like sending a copy of this collection to the local schools in your area, you can search for them here http://schoolsfinder.direct.gov.uk/schoolsfinder and either print out this article to post or email the link.

Wi-Fi papers
1. Atasoy H.I. et al., 2013. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices. Journal of Pediatric Urology 9(2): 223-229. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22465825

2. Avendaño C. et al., 2012. Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation. Fertility and Sterility 97(1): 39-45. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22112647

3. Avendaño C. et al., 2010. Laptop expositions affect motility and induce DNA fragmentation in human spermatozoa in vitro by a non-thermal effect: a preliminary report. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 66th Annual Meeting: O-249 http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/laptops+and+sperm.pdf)

4. Aynali G. et al., 2013. Modulation of wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative toxicity in laryngotracheal mucosa of rat by melatonin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 270(5): 1695-1700. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23479077

5. Gumral N. et al., 2009. Effects of selenium and L-carnitine on oxidative stress in blood of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 132(1-3): 153-163. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19396408

6. Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5: 273-300. http://www.icems.eu/papers.htm… part 2.

7. Havas M. and Marrongelle J. 2013. Replication of heart rate variability provocation study with 2.45GHz cordless phone confirms original findings. Electromagn Biol Med 32(2): 253-266. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23675629

8. Maganioti A. E. et al., 2010. Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields exert gender related alterations on EEG. 6th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields. http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/…/WI-FI%20ELECTROMAGNETIC%20FIEL…

9. Margaritis L.H. et al., 2013. Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources. Electromagn Biol Med., Epub ahead of print. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23915130

10. Naziroğlu M. and Gumral 2009. Modulator effects of L-carnitine and selenium on wireless devices (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress and electroencephalography records in brain of rat. Int J Radiat Biol. 85(8): 680-689. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19637079

11. Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012. 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca2+ influx in human leukemia cancer cells. International Journal of Radiation Biology 88(6): 449–456. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22489926

12. Nazıroğlu M. et al., 2012b. Melatonin modulates wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2 and voltage gated Ca(2+) channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion in rat. Physiol Behav. 105(3): 683-92. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22019785

13. Oksay T. et al., 2012. Protective effects of melatonin against oxidative injury in rat testis induced by wireless (2.45 GHz) devices. Andrologia doi: 10.1111/and.12044, Epub ahead of print. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23145464

14. Papageorgiou C. C. et al., 2011. Effects of Wi-Fi signals on the p300 component of event-related potentials during an auditory hayling task. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10(2): 189-202. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21714138

(Wi-Fi alters brain activity in young adults: http://wifiinschools.org.uk/resour…/wifi+brain+July+2011.pdf)

15. Shahin S. et al., 2013. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus musculus. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 169: 1727–1751. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23334843

16. Türker Y. et al., 2011. Selenium and L-carnitine reduce oxidative stress in the heart of rat induced by 2.45-GHz radiation from wireless devices. Biol Trace Elem Res. 143(3): 1640-1650. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21360060

And here are a few more studies of similar microwave frequencies at low exposures (6V/m or below) (this is not comprehensive):

17. Balmori A. 2010. Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles: the city turned into a laboratory. Electromagn. Biol. Med. 29(1-2):31-35. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20560769

18. Erdinc O. O. et al., 2003. Electromagnetic waves of 900MHz in acute pentylenetetrazole model in ontogenesis in mice. Neurol. Sci. 24:111-116 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14600821

19. Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Stimulation of murine natural killer cells by weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range. Biofizika 44:737–741 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10544828

20. Fesenko E. E. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. I. Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor production in mouse cells, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 49:29–35 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10619445

21. Havas M. et al., 2010. Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5: 273-300 http://www.icems.eu/papers.htm… part 2.

22. Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Microwave exposure affecting reproductive system in male rats. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 162(2):416-428 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19768389

23. Kesari K. K. and Behari J., 2009. Fifty-gigahertz microwave exposure effect of radiations on rat brain. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 158:126-139 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19089649

24. Khurana V. G. et al., 2010. Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Int. J. Occup. Environ. Health 16:263–267 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20662418

25. Maier R. et al., 2004. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on cognitive processes – a pilot study on pulsed field interference with cognitive regeneration. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 110: 46-52 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15180806

26. Nittby H. et al., 2008. Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 29: 219-232 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18044737

27. Novoselova E. G. et al., 1998. Stimulation of production of tumor necrosis factor by murine macrophages when exposed in vivo and in vitro to weak electromagnetic waves in the centimeter range Bofizika 43:1132–1333.

28. Novoselova E. G. et al., 1999. Microwaves and cellular immunity. II. Immunostimulating effects of microwaves and naturally occurring antioxidant nutrients. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 49:37–41 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10619446

29. Otitoloju A. A. et al., 2010. Preliminary study on the induction of sperm head abnormalities in mice, Mus musculus, exposed to radiofrequency radiations from Global System for Mobile Communication Base Stations. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 84(1):51-4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19816647

30. Panagopoulos D. J.et al., 2010. Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Vol 86(5):345-357. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20397839

31. Persson B. R. R. et al., 1997. Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication. Wireless Networks 3: 455-461. http://www.hese-project.org/…/en/papers/persson_bbb_wn97.pdf

32. Pyrpasopoulou A. et al., 2004. Bone morphogenic protein expression in newborn kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 25:216-27 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15042631

33. Salford L. G. et al., 2010. Effects of microwave radiation upon the mammalian blood-brain barrier. European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5:333-355 http://www.icems.eu/papers.htm… part 2.

34. Salford L. G., et al., 2003. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. Environ. Health Perspect. 111:881-883. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12782486

35. http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/major-phone-firm-patent-admi…/

Telecom Company’s Patent Admits: Non-Thermal Exposures To Wireless Radiation Is “Genotoxic”, Causes “Clear Damage to Hereditary Material”
Wireless industry’s patent to reduce “electrosmog” from wireless local networks was aimed at reducing the cancer risks associated with non-thermal exposures to microwave radiation
Patent states “clear damage to hereditary material has been demonstrated”
The system was never adopted
Telecoms industry has known – and sought patents on solutions to minimise – risks for many years but has failed to act
Remember: Smart Meters (which you can lawfully refuse) can expose people to up to 800 times the radiation of mobile phones.

The Swisscom patent clearly shows that mobile phone companies know wireless radiation is incredibly harmful to human biology.

Mar. 11, 2013 / PRLog / Swisscom AG, a major telecommunications provider in Switzerland, filed U.S. and international patent applications for an innovative system to reduce “electrosmog” from wireless local networks (i.e., Wi-Fi) in 2003.

This patent application acknowledged the cancer risk from exposure to wireless radiation eight years before the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared that radiofrequency energy, including cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation, is a “possible carcinogen” to humans, like DDT and lead. [link – Ed.]

Furthermore, the application acknowledged that low-intensity, non-thermal exposures to wireless radiation is genotoxic. This is critical because the current U.S. [and UK – Ed.] regulatory standard for wireless radiation, established in 1996, does not protect us from non-thermal exposures.

According to this 2003 patent application, the “influence of electrosmog on the human body is a known problem.” (1) The application states:

“The health risk from mobile radio transmitters, handys (i.e., cell phones) and DECT (i.e., cordless) telephones has been an explosive subject among the general public at least since the enormous breakthrough in mobile radio technology in the 1990s. To meet the concerns of science from the legislative side, the permissible limit values have thus been lowered several times, and technology has been increasingly focused on this problem. The risk of damage to health through electrosmog has also become better understood as a result of more recent and improved studies. When, for example, human blood cells are irradiated with electromagnetic fields, clear damage to hereditary material has been demonstrated and there have been indications of an increased cancer risk (Mashevich et al., 2003) … an aneuploidy (=numerical chromosome aberration) – was observed as a function of the SAR, demonstrating that this radiation has a genotoxic effect … These findings indicate that the genotoxic effect of electromagnetic radiation is elicited via a non-thermal pathway. Moreover aneuploidy is to be considered as a known phenomenon in the increase of cancer risk.” (1) [emphasis added – Ed.]

The application further explains:

“Thus it has been possible to show that mobile radio radiation can cause damage to genetic material, in particular in human white blood cells, whereby both the DNA itself is damaged and the number of chromosomes changed. This mutation can consequently lead to increased cancer risk. In particular, it could also be shown that this destruction is not dependent upon temperature increases, i.e. is non-thermal. Based on the scientific studies in the field, and owing to increasing pressure from the public, especially in the industrialized countries, epidemiological studies have been systematized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the last few years, such as e.g. the currently running WHO Interphone Project, in order to be able to assess more precisely the health risks from electrosmog and work out corresponding guidelines.” (1)

The proposed system works as follows. After a specified time without a connecting signal, the base station in this system switches from the normal transmitting/receiving mode to a sleep mode in which no signals are transmitted. When a mobile unit, such as a tablet, laptop or smart phone, requires a network connection, it transmits an alert signal, and the base station switches back to its normal mode.

Ten years after this patent was filed, the system is unavailable. How many other harm-reduction technologies have been patented by the Wireless Industry but never used to reduce our risk of cancer and other diseases associated with exposure to wireless radiation?

After its experience with tobacco and asbestos, it’s no wonder that the insurance industry will not provide product liability insurance to the Wireless Industry (2) [also see here – Ed.]. This patent application demonstrates that the Wireless Industry has known for many years the potential health risks from use of its technology. Yet the Industry continues to fight efforts to educate the public about these risks and blocks effective regulation of wireless radiation in the U.S. and in other countries.

Fifteen nations and the European Union have issued precautionary health warnings about cell phone radiation. However, efforts at the Federal, state, and local level in the U.S. have repeatedly been blocked by political and legal opposition from the CTIA, the Wireless Industry’s lobbying arm.

Instead, the Industry promotes installation of cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, and wireless Smart Meters everywhere without regard to the population’s overall exposure to microwave radiation. Many people are likely to suffer serious health consequences from this massive increase in electrosmog.

Based upon our nation’s experience with other industries like tobacco and asbestos, the Wireless Industry will likely procrastinate taking action to reduce harm until it is faced with huge product liability settlements. Unfortunately, it may take a while before such lawsuits are successful since the Industry has co-opted many scientists, and the scientific literature has mixed findings that enable industry experts to confuse juries.

Based upon the precautionary principle, policy makers should adopt effective regulation now to protect us from this emerging threat to public health. Strong public support is needed to overcome the Industry’s political power.

“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”  🌍☮️♻️🌍😇🖖

also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks,5000+ and if you keep going back, pretty much every track I've ever posted, just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read, what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, for over a 2 years solid play time, but you know, ya can't have it all looolz ;)

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