
Last Vision - That's Why

you know, they have 16-32 of these 1 km across solar illumination craft, that are orbiting in a geosynchronous orbit, and while they try to say, it's so they can either extend daylight saving time or bring light to the night and lengthen an entire, day to two, (possibly without you noticing, as they set all phone times, don't they!, if they switched your clocks remotely in your digital devices, would you notice?), "That's why", it is a lie, they don't spend  1.34 billion dollars to make it brighter for nothing, Abstract Studies indicate it is feasible to use orbiting mirrors to reflect sunlight to Earth for several illumination applications. A constellation of sixteen 1-km solar reflector spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit can illuminate a region 333 km in diameter to 8 lux, which is brighter than most existing expressway lighting systems. This constellation can serve one region all night long, (thereby doubling a day, and if they alter the clocks can squeeze more work out of you all), or can provide illumination during mornings and evenings to five regions across the United States. Preliminary cost estimates indicate such an endeavor is economically feasible. The studies also explain how two solar reflectors can illuminate the in-orbit nighttime operations of Space Shuttle. Several other mission scenarios are described. An unfurl-able, 1-km diameter solar-reflector spacecraft design concept was derived. This spacecraft can be packaged in the Space Shuttle, transported to low Earth orbit, unfurled, and solar sailed to operational orbits up to geosynchronous. The necessary technical studies and improvements in technology are described, and potential environmental concerns are discussed. but given no serious thought, it's time to open your eyes as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio
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