
Davide Squillace - Holy Motors

you know, theres an infinite amount of free energy out there, they would have you ignorant of that fact like mineral batteries, it's just rocks of made of opposing charged electromagnetic forces, yet it produces power there's no need to say, "Holy Motors", Batman as that was the other day, or theres the S.E.G searl effect generator or even good old radiant energy, suspend a big lump of copper in the top of a tree like a giant net spread it between the branches use the trees potential, and connect it to the earth via copper core cable and a spark gap and a capacitor bank to store the charge and a long copper rod sunk in to the Earth, and boom instant power, they lie about everything, they have been scamming the unenlightened, for quite some time, like aeroplanes they get 96% of their engines power from compressed air, they work like a Tesla turbine, it's time to tear down their lies as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

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