
Premiere: Citizenn & Sooney - Take Me Higher

you know, i use frequency to, "Take Me Higher", and if you think it can't have any effects just look at this first, Physiological Vibration and Resonance of LFS on the Respiratory System http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a373523.pdf, (Abstract : Model predictions of the effects of LFS on the human respiratory system suggested that pressures within airways can be greater than pressures applied to the body surface. In the current study, more physiologically and anatomically accurate human and rat lung models were developed to further study the consequences of LFS as well as to infer human lung behavior from measurements made in rats. The human model was also used to predict whether pressure amplification would be more significant in asthmatics by incorporating airway heterogeneity and broncho-constriction into the model. Pressure amplification was predicted to be reduced in asthmatics. A comparison between human and rat lung behavior indicated that resonances in rat lungs occur in human lungs at about one-tenth the frequency. Thus, the resonances predicted to occur in rat lungs at higher frequencies, i.e., 5,000 and 11,000 Hz, could produce pressure amplification in humans at much lower frequencies i.e., 50-100 Hz. We are confident in the human model predictions since they compared very well with physiological measurements over a wide frequency range 2-2000 Hz full text here). then try this, Studies that show WiFi and Devices Health Effects 136 Studies Showing Health Effects from WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation, http://wi-cancer.info/download.pdf),  and then try this, research concluding that radiation from cell phones, wireless phones DECT, wireless internet WiFi or mobile phone masts poses a health risk, http://straaling.dk/scientific_research.php, and then if you still think that frequencies can't heal you or harm you, then your just hopeless, there is a frequency for that too as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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