
Wess - Moon Rocks (Original Mix)

you know, it's a bit like, when they paused their, E.V.A, (extra vehicular activity, blasting about in a lunar rover), to collect some, "Moon Rocks", to see if it was economically viable, (worth it), to set up off world mining colonies, (http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a623055.pdf, Within the next 5 to 10 years commercial corporations will begin exploratory mining operations on asteroids orbiting the earth. While this is a huge leap forward in human development and technological advancement, current national regulation and law providing mining rights in space do not exist. International treaties and recognized space law, in regards to commercial collection and exploitation of resources, is vague and leaves a great deal to interpretation. The purpose of this comparative case study is to determine how the US interprets what is known as 'Common Access Areas,' or those areas outside of national jurisdictional authority, in regards to commercial mining operations. The study is meant to identify if legal precedent exists in similar areas that will either allow the U.S. *to continue commercial mining in space*, (Oopp's did you just grass yourselves up), without international clarification, or if precedent indicates that international accord must met. sure it has to be done, but it's not necessarily enjoyable as, standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio

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