
Th;en & Starkato - Triton (Original Mix) [Sprout]

did you know, everything in nature has a natural equilibrium, and falls into balance with its surroundings, anything not following this simple rule, can be considered as foreign to the localized environment, like trees, if you look up in a forest, you will see that no main branch off shoot, from the main trunk of a tree, will cut into space, of it's nearest neighboring tree, these simple principles, not only work on the small scale, the micro-verse, but even the big things, of the macro-verse, such as planets and moons, take for instance, "Triton", (the largest satellite of Neptune, the seventh closest to the planet, discovered in 1846. It has a retrograde orbit, a thin nitrogen atmosphere, and a diameter of 1,678 miles), the very fact it has a retro grade orbit, means it is not orbiting around its parent body, and has been flung far out, into the void, only to be captured by our galaxy, and eventually Neptune as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

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