
Mechanist - Yevl

you know, it's a fair question to ask, that if the world in which we live, is in essence supposed to be so ecologically, and sociologically in balance with its environment, thereby ensuring the survival and health of all life, why is it that bad things happen, especially to good people. "Yevl", (why evil), should exist at all is folly, it is the trying to fill an emptiness, that dwells in the minds of the power hungry, by taking from less fortunate so they may have more, when they already have more, then they can ever need, make no mistake though, evil is real, it does exist, in many forms, and the only true way to combat evil, is with love, you cannot fight hate with hate, it becomes a self sustaining loop we must break the chains that ties us and bind us to systems of enslavement as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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