
Oxy Beat - Clip & Clap (Original Mix) [Black Turtle Records]

now call me crazy, but we made it to the top of, Mount New-Drop, and i don't understand how, so i don't feel like, I've earned the, "clip & clap", and pat on the back, and looking at my playlist of new release's, and their release dates, they go from the back from present to the last 23 hours then back to 5 days ago, (a huge gap), roughly when i went away, it'a like the whole of the artist's pages, that i post up from, were listening, and decided not to post for three days?, Hmmmmmm strange say's i, even stranger is the apparent lack of posts, from the non-musical producers, bizarre, strange or just plain weird, the jury is out on this one, is it all just a self projection, of my own subconscious awareness, of my deepest own wants and needs?, or just a really, really weird coincidence?, who knows?, but i have never been one, for believing in coincidence as, standardz, hahahahahaha, ;) #edio

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