
Hermanez - Fabel (Joey Daniel Remix) [Celesta Recordings]

you know, it's time to open our eye's, and see the world with some, "fabel", (fabel refers to an analysis of the plot, of a play or story, real or imagined. This includes three interrelated, but distinct aspects, firstly an analysis of the events, portrayed in the story. In an epic production, this analysis would focus on the social interactions, between the characters and the causality of their behaviour, from a historical materialist perspective, Secondly, a fabel analyses the plot, from a formal and semiotic perspective. This includes the play's dramatic structure, and its formal shaping of the events portrayed. It also includes, an analysis of the semiotic fabric of the play, Thirdly, a fabel analyses the attitudes, that the play appears to embody and articulate), you can all be a part of the fable, of the man who said NO!, no more to hate, no more to violence, no more to oppressive and corrupt regimes, hiding behind a thin veil or demon democracy, or pretend peace, or a religion, while all the time, secretly detesting those very ideals, and making a mockery of our live's, and destroying our world, and us in the process as, standardz. hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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