
Black Girl / White Girl - Technobodi (Original Mix) [Twisted Fusion] PRE...

when they think upgrading technologically, and idiotically think having a, "technobodi", (technologically enhanced body), will make them more than human, errmm, nope it makes you, less of one, as your taking pieces away, and it comes with added vulnerabilities, like being remotely controlled by others, (being body hacked), they think they would be invincible, pah!!, i could wipe them all out, with a single thought, i could artificially induce, a pole switch and boom!!, all electrical devices are useless, i could create super strong, but short lived, (localised to them), acid rain that only effects inorganic compounds, and eat through the mechanical bits, the thing, is i could churn out idea's for death machines, all day, i'm much better and my idea's, are far more terribly effective, than most governments, but i'm not the bad guy, i'll just take their's apart, and give them back, the one piece they were missing, their heart as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

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