
Rhoowax, Lonely - Jino (Original Mix)

you knew, i had to give you, one more, right?, i want to tell you, a secret, I've told you before, but i don't think, you were paying attention, death is not the end, we are, "Jino ", (ever-living, a variant form of Gino (Italian): nickname of Ambrogino, Greek, ever-living), these fleshy constructs, are just vessels a skinvelope, containing a divine energy, we are infinite,we see the whole of infinity, from all angles and perspective, all actions and reactions, have been taken and avoided, we take all roads, some go left, while some go right, but ultimately, they all lead to the same place, we are infinite beings of pure energy, it's just that we get that infinite amount, in finite portions, but still infinite nonetheless, and now it's time, for me to go, up and out, to the place, where the dreams are made, and with that, I AM  out as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) peace

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