
Ende - The 5th Dimension (Original mix)

did you know, that the, "fifth dimension", is space time fabric, Much of the early work on five dimensional space, was in an attempt to develop a theory that unifies the four fundamental forces, in nature: strong and weak nuclear forces, gravity and electromagnetism. German mathematician Theodor Kaluza and Swedish physicist Oskar Klein independently developed the Kaluza–Klein theory in 1921, which used the fifth dimension to unify gravity with electromagnetic force. Although their approaches, were later found to be at least partially inaccurate, the concept provided a basis for further research over the past century, To explain why this dimension would not be directly observable, Klein suggested that the fifth dimension would be rolled up into a tiny, compact loop on the order of 10-33 centimetres, Under his reasoning, he envisioned light as a disturbance, caused by rippling in the higher dimension, just beyond human perception, similar to how fish in a pond, can only see shadows of ripples across the surface of the water, caused by raindrops. While not detectable, it would indirectly imply a connection, between seemingly unrelated forces. Kaluza-Klein theory experienced, a revival in the 1970's due to the emergence of superstring theory and supergravity, the concept that reality is composed, of vibrating strands of energy, a postulate only mathematically viable, in ten dimensions or more. Superstring theory, then evolved into a more generalised approach, known as M-theory. M-theory, suggested a potentially observable extra dimension, in addition to the ten essential dimensions which would allow, for the existence of super-strings. The other 10 dimensions are compacted, or rolled up, to a size below the subatomic level, (how very convenient), Kaluza–Klein theory today, is seen as essentially a gauge theory, with the gauge being, the circle group, The fifth dimension is difficult to directly observe, though the Large Hadron Collider provides an opportunity, to record indirect evidence of its existence.which is about as much use as a third hand anecdote, when trying to recall, the correct version of events) Physicists theorise that collisions of subatomic particles, in turn produce new particles, as a result of the collision, including a graviton particle, that escapes from the fourth dimension, or brane, leaking off into a five-dimensional bulk, (i told you, they have little control over the process, and zero control, over what particles actually manifest, when the experiment is running), M-theory would explain the weakness of gravity, relative to the other fundamental forces of nature, as can be seen, for example, when using a magnet to lift a pin, off a table — the magnet is able to overcome the gravitational pull, of the entire earth with ease. Mathematical approaches were developed in the early 20th century, that viewed the fifth dimension, as a theoretical construct. These theories, make reference to Hilbert space, a concept that postulates an infinite number, of mathematical dimensions, to allow for a limitless number, of quantum states (true). Einstein, Bergmann and Bargmann later tried, to extend the four-dimensional spacetime of general relativity into an extra physical dimension, to incorporate electromagnetism, though they were unsuccessful. because they were trying, to force the fact to fit, (idiots) In their 1938 paper, Einstein and Bergmann were among the first, to introduce the modern viewpoint, that a four-dimensional theory, which coincides with Einstein-Maxwell theory at long distances, is derived from a five-dimensional theory, with complete symmetry in all five in the fifth dimension. (hmm very convenient yet again), The main novelty of Einstein and Bergmann, was to seriously consider the fifth dimension, as a physical entity, (it is, and it doesnt stop there, there is an infinite amount, in an infinite combination), rather than an excuse to combine, the metric tensor and electromagnetic potential. But they then reneged, modifying the theory, to break its five-dimensional symmetry. Their reasoning, as suggested by Edward Witten, was that the more symmetric version, of the theory predicted the existence, of a new long range field, one that was both massless and scalar, which would have required a fundamental modification to Einstein's theory of general relativity, (they should have it's quite right), Minkowski space and Maxwell's equations in vacuum can be embedded in a five-dimensional Riemann curvature tensor.
In 1993, the physicist Gerard 't Hooft put forward the holographic principle, which explains that the information about an extra dimension, is visible as a curvature in a space-time, with one fewer dimension. For example, holograms are three-dimensional pictures, placed on a two-dimensional surface, which gives the image, a curvature, (motion), when the observer moves. Similarly, in general relativity, the fourth dimension, is manifested in observable, three dimensions as the curvature path of a moving infinitesimal, (test), particle. T Hooft has speculated, that the fifth dimension, is really space-time fabric, but i consider it more, of a intangible field that is omnipresent, and has a maximum potential, to become anything when interacting, with the Higgs boson or some unspecified exotic matter, probably a form of anti matter as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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