
Juan Torrado - Mal De Coucou (Original Mix)

sometimes i think the entire world, is suffering from some sort, of mental delusion a madness like, "
Mal De Coucou", (cuckoo sickness), or a form of Mareks Disease (MD) is a common virus that kills more birds, than any other disease except Coccidiosis. Mareks is so common, that you have to assume that you have it, in your flock, even if you detect no evidence = if there is 'air' on and around your property = you have Mareks Disease present, The Mareks Virus, is able to survive in the environment for many months in temperate climates, but it has been reported by some Breeders that colder climates, have had a marked effect on the times of outbreaks. It would appear, that the cold does not agree with the virus, (as with all it slows metabolic rates), but in a bit of a twist of fate The study of Mareks Disease in poultry, has had a profound effect on cancer research. The Mareks vaccine for chickens, was the first time medical science, was able to produce an effective cancer vaccine, for any species. Since then vaccines for a small few human cancers, have been developed, thanks to the humble ‘chook, but if they have a cancer vaccine for poultry, why is it that there are only a small number of them, for human cancers, it stinks of government collusion with big pharma, (not big farmer get orff my land), or they would have made it available, for humans to use, but seeing as there is a lot of money, to be made from treating cancer, and the government gets paid in taxes from it, they won't be giving you the cure, anytime soon, besides there are natural alternatives, to chemicals in your system, like the rife machine, it causes bacterial cells to rupture, through sound waves, like the opera singer and a glass, and can be tuned to specific frequencies, to only effect certain types of cells, such as cancer as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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