
Deniz Kurtel - The Fifth House (Trevino Remix)

do you reside in, "the fifth house", The Fifth House is commonly referred to as the House of Pleasure. Oftentimes, pleasure is the result of a creative act. ... Taking this pleasure principle a step further, one can give it a more human face, even two faces. Romance and romantic affairs, both emotional pleasures, are within the realm of the Fifth House.This first house is the "house of the self "as it deals with the physical person. The Rising sign/Ascendant is a filter lens through which the Sun, the Moon, and the planets come into play. The Ascendant distinguishes the different variables in disposition, temperament and even physical appearances in persons born on the same day, but at different times. Your Ascendant denotes the way you look at life. Often, it's the impression of you perceived by those around you as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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