
Agent! - Alien Nation

you know, we are not alone, not in any sense, there is an, "alien nation", hiding beneath our feet, and floating, above our heads, hiding perfectly, just drifting on the wind, there are even bases that can only be accessed through, active magma channels, and one's that are underwater, we have never been alone, look at all the myths and legends, from around the globe, The Apache and other Pueblo Indians, such as the Zunis and Hopi, have legends about their ancestors emerging from an underground world, generally after some cataclysmic event, as if a cycle in time, or another reboot in the programmed realities of the human experiment, always linked to star gods, or star people, who brought them here from outer space. Hopi Prophecy speaks of the return of the Blue Kachina, or Star People at the end of this cycle of time. They speak of the Snake People (metaphor for human DNA) and the Ant People (gray aliens,) who protected them beneath the surface. Physical reality is a metaphor for 'beneath the surface'. To rise above is to return to higher consciousness, through the Back Hole eye of Time) or the Stargate of human creation. or even Derinkuyu, (see,  Derinkuyu is an ancient multi-level underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevuehir Province, Turkey. With its 13 floors extending to a depth of approximately 85 m, it was large enough to shelter thousands of people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey and is part of a network of several underground complexes found across Cappadocia. Since you cannot carbonate stone, it is hard to date the age of Derinkuyu Underground City. Derinkuyu was first discovered in 1963 when a cave wall was opened revealing a passage way to an underground city thousands of years old and more than 280 feet deep, The underground city at Derinkuyu could be closed from the inside with 1,000 pound stone doors which can only be opened and leveraged from the inside.
The complex has a total 13 stories which go deep into the ground, with ventilation shafts - small ventilation shafts that bring air to even the deepest levels. The large 55 m ventilation shaft appears to have been used as a well. The shaft also provided water to both the villagers above and, if the outside world was not accessible, to those in hiding. Each floor could be closed off separately.

The city could accommodate between approximately 30,000 people and had all the usual amenities found in other underground complexes across Cappadocia, such as wine and oil presses, stables, cellars, storage rooms, refectories, and chapels. Between the third and fourth levels is a vertical staircase. This passage way leads to a cruciform church on the lowest level.

Unique to the Derinkuyu complex, and located on the second floor, is a spacious room with a barrel vaulted ceiling. It has been reported that this room was used as a religious school and the rooms to the left were studies. First built in the soft volcanic rock of the Cappadocia region, possibly by the Phrygians in the 8th - 7th centuries B.C according to the Turkish Department of Culture, the underground city at Derinkuyu may have been enlarged in the Byzantine era. The city was connected with other underground cities through miles of tunnels.

To this day, no one is certain how it was created and what its original purpose was. Ancient Alien theorists speculate that it is thousands of years older than believed, and created by alien visitors then later abandoned the city. Scholars believe Derinkuyu was the hiding place for the first Christians who were escaping from the persecution of the Roman empire. Some things discovered in these underground settlements belong to the Middle Byzantine Period, between the 5th and the 10th centuries A.D. It is speculated that number of underground settlements, generally used for taking refuge and for religious purposes, increased during this era. The Christian communities in the region may have taken refuge, closing the millstone doors, when they were subjected to Arab raids which started in the 7th century. Nevuehir Province has several other historical underground cities. The cities and structures are carved out of unique geological formations. They were used by Christians as hiding places during times of persecution and raids. The locations are now archaeological tourist attractions. They remain generally unoccupied. In excess of 200 underground cities containing a minimum of two levels have been discovered in the area between Kayseri and Nevsehir. Some 40 of those contain a minimum of three levels or more. The troglodyte cities at Kaymakl谋 and Derinkuyu, are two of the best examples of habitable underground structures. Kaymakli Underground City

Kaymakli Underground City is contained within the citadel of Kaymakli in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. First opened to tourists in 1964, the village is about 19km from Nevuehir, on the Nevuehir-Nigde road. The ancient name was Enegup. The houses in the village are constructed around the nearly one hundred tunnels of the underground city. The tunnels are still used today as storage areas, stables, and cellars. The underground city at Kaymakli differs from Derinkuyu in terms of its structure and layout. The tunnels are lower, narrower, and more steeply inclined. Of the four floors open to tourists, each space is organised around ventilation shafts. This makes the design of each room or open space dependent on the availability of ventilation. A stable is located on the first floor. The small size of the stable could indicate that other stables exist in the sections not yet opened. To the left of the stable is a passage with a millstone door. The door leads into a church. To the right of the stables are rooms, possibly living spaces. Located on the second floor is a church with a nave and two apses. Located in front of the apses is a baptismal font, and on the sides along the walls are seating platforms. Names of people contained in graves here coincide with those located next to the church, which supports the idea that these graves belonged to religious people. The church level also contains some living spaces. The third floor contains the most important areas of the underground compound: storage places, wine or oil presses, and kitchens. The level also contains a remarkable block of andesite with relief textures. Recently it was shown that this stone was used as a pot to melt copper. The stone was hewn from an andesite layer within the complex. In order for it to be used in metallurgy, fifty-seven holes were carved into the stone. The technique was to put copper ore into each of the holes (about 10 cm in diameter) and then to hammer the ore into place. The copper was probably mined between Aksaray and Nevsehir. This mine was also used by Asilikhoyuk, the oldest settlement within the Cappadocia Region. The high number of storage rooms and areas for earthenware jars on the fourth floor indicates some economic stability. Kaymakl is one of the largest underground settlements in the region. The large area reserved for storage in such a limited area appears to indicate the need to support a large population underground. Currently only a fraction of the complex is open to the public. or how about Ancient Submerged Cities, Covering more than 71% of the planet, the Earth's oceans are a vast and mostly unexplored mystery. For most of recorded history man could only guess what lay beneath the ocean's surface, but new technologies are reaching new depths. Researchers around the world are finding the unexpected - underwater complexes and sophisticated monuments that defy the conventional historical record. There remains of earth civilisations that were once exposed on land then later submerged under the sea due to climatic changes over 23,000 years ago. (cycle length), This implies that life on Earth - other advanced civilisations - once existed. They were lost to ice ages, of the past that created great floods that destroyed them - which may be the fate of our planet in the future. like the Stone Age Atlantis Found - Submerged Under the Sea off Sweden, (The 'Stone Age Atlantis': Stunning video reveals the 9,000-year-old settlement found submerged under the sea off Sweden), Just off the coast of southern Sweden, researchers have discovered what's thought to be the submerged remains of an ancient Stone Age lagoon community. According to the researchers, the lagoon environment sank as sea levels rose Since divers first discovered the oldest known stationary fish traps in northern Europe six years ago, researchers at the Lund University in Sweden have revealed the site to be a Stone Age relic. The researchers say that 9,000 years ago, this was an old lagoon environment where Mesolithic humans spent parts of the year.

Researchers discovered the wood remains and archaeological artefacts up to three kilometres off the modern coast of the Baltic Sea at Havang. These relics were found at least 20 meters below the sea, and are exceptionally well-preserved, dating back roughly 9,000 years. The researchers say these ancient peopleÔhad quite good lives here. There was lots of food and quite warm climate, at least during the summers.
As humans have long preferred to live near the coasts, the researchers say submerged settlements such as this are common, due to rising sea levels that swallowed them in the later centuries. According to the team, this site off southern Sweden was likely once a lagoon environment surrounded by a pine-dominated forest. They say Mesolithic humans lived here during two low-stand phases of the Baltic Basin, from the Yoldia Sea stage to the Initial Littornia Sea.
If you want to understand fully how humans dispersed from Africa and how they lived their lives, we also have to find all their settlements, said Anton Hansson, PhD student in Quaternary geology at Lund University. And quite a few of their settlements are, today, underwater because during the last glaciation sea level was quite a lot lower than today.
Humans have always preferred coastal sites, as we do today. The discovery outside the Verkean River mouth is of both archaeological and geologic importance. The elk antler pick axe found at the site is nearly 9,000 years old and is covered in very interesting inscriptions. (, or how about 9,300 Year Old Pillar Found on Mediterranean Sea Floor, (Underwater Discovery: 9,300-Year-Old Pillar Evidence of Advanced Society, Say Researchers),At least 9,300 years ago, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in a now-submerged area of the Mediterranean Sea accomplished a feat beyond what today's experts thought possible for the time: they cut a 15-ton limestone pillar with precision, drilled holes in it and transported it nearly 984 feet (300 meters). The monolith is 39 feet (12 meters) long.
Oceanographers studying the Mediterranean sea floor in the Sicilian Channel between Tunisia and Sicily in 2012 found the monolith 131 feet (40 meters) deep. In a new paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the researchers say this area became completely submerged about 9,300 years ago, give or take a couple hundred years. Before that, the area was shallow sea with an archipelago of several islands about halfway between the island of Sicily and the North African coast. So it is assumed the pillar was carved at least 9,300 years ago. Researchers were able to date the stone of the monolith by extracting shell fragments from it. They found it has the same composition and age as limestone about 330 yards away, suggesting it was transported this distance.

The researchers say the discovery of this submerged pillar may require scholars to rethink the idea of 'technological primitivism' among hunter-gatherers. This discovery provides evidence for a significant Mesolithic human activity in the Sicilian Channel region. Several factors lead them to believe the monolith or stone column was cut by humans and was not shaped by nature. They write that the monolith has a regular shape and three regular holes of similar diameter. It is composed of limestone of a nature similar to rocks not far away from where it was transported, but it differs from the rocks in the immediate vicinity.

The presence of the monolith suggests extensive human activity in the area. It was cut and extracted as a single stone from the outer rectilinear ridge situated about 300 m [984 feet] to the south, and then transported and possibly erected. From the size of the monolith, we may presume that it weighs about 15 [tons].

They did not speculate about the function of the monolith. But they assume it was in an important area, which is about halfway between Sicily and Tunisia. Sicily was inhabited possibly between 17,000 and 27,000 years ago, when there was a land bridge from the Italian mainland.

The discovery of the submerged site in the Sicilian Channel may significantly expand our knowledge of the earliest civilizations in the Mediterranean basin and our views on technological innovation and development achieved by the Mesolithic inhabitants, the authors wrote. The monolith ... made of a single, large block, required cutting, extraction, transportation, and installation, which undoubtedly reveals important technical skills and great engineering.

The researchers even went so far as to state, "The belief that our ancestors lacked the knowledge, skill, and technology to exploit marine resources or make sea crossings, must be progressively abandoned. The recent findings ... have definitively removed the idea of 'technological primitivism' often attributed to hunter-gatherer coastal settlers."

or how about The Bimini Road, sometimes called the Bimini Wall, is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas. The Road consists of a 0.8 km (0.5 mile) long northeast-southwest linear feature composed of roughly rectangular to sub-rectangular limestone blocks.

On September 2, 1968, while diving in three fathoms (5.5 meters) of water off the northwest coast of North Bimini island, J. Manson Valentine encountered an extensive pavement of what later was found to be noticeably rounded stones of varying size and thickness.

This stone pavement was found to form a northeast-southwest linear feature, which is most commonly known as either the Bimini Road or Bimini Wall. After Valentine, the Bimini Road has been visited and examined by geologists, avocational archaeologists, professional archaeologists, anthropologists, marine engineers, innumerable divers, and many other people. In addition to the Bimini Road, investigators have found two additional Òpavement-like Ó linear features that lie parallel to and shoreward of the Bimini Wall.

Physical Characteristics
The Bimini Wall and two linear features lying shoreward of it composed of flat-lying, tabular, and rectangular, subrectangular, polygonal, and irregular blocks. Descriptions of the Bimini Road found in various books and articles greatly exaggerate the regularity and rectangularity of the blocks comprising these features.

The Bimini Road, the largest of three linear features, is 0.8 km (0.5 mile) long a northeast-southwest trend feature with a pronounced hook at its southwest end. It consists stone blocks measuring as much as 3 to 4 meters (9 to 13 feet) in horizontal dimensions with the average size being 2 to 3 meters (6 to 9 feet).

The larger blocks show complementary edges, which are lacking in the smaller blocks. The two narrower and shorter, approximately 50 and 60 meters (164 and 197 feet) long linear features lying shoreward of the Bimini Road consist of smaller tabular stone blocks that are only 1 to 2 meter (3 to 6 feet) in maximum horizontal breadth. Having rounded corners, the blocks comprising these pavements resemble giant loaves of bread.

The blocks consist of limestone composed of carbonate cemented shell hash that is called beachrock. Beachrock is native to the Bahamas. The highly rounded nature of the blocks forming the Bimini Road indicates that a significant thickness of their original surface has removed by biological, physical, and chemical processes. Given the degree that these blocks have been eroded, it is highly implausible that any original surface features, including any tool marks and inscriptions, would have survived this degree of erosion.

After a very detailed examination of the Bimini Road and the other linear features, Gifford and Ball made the following observations.

    1. The three features are unconnected at the southwest end; scattered blocks are present there but do not form a well-defined linear feature connecting the seaward, middle, and shoreward features.2. No evidence exists anywhere over the three features of two courses of blocks, or even a single block set squarely atop another.
    3. Not enough blocks lie in the vicinity of the three features to have formed a now-destroyed second course of rocks.
    4. Bedrock closely underlies the entire area of the three features (fig. 5), eliminating the possibility of excavations or channels between them.
    5. Indications are that the blocks of the inner and middle features have always rested on a layer of loose sand. No evidence was found of the blocks being cut into or founded on the underlying bedrock surface.
    6. In areas of the seaward feature where blocks rest directly on the bedrock surface, no evidence was found of regular or symmetrical supports beneath any of the blocks.
    7. We saw no evidence on any of the blocks of regular or repeated patterns of grooves or depressions that might be interpreted as tool marks.
    8. The inner and middle features are continuous only over a distance of about 50 meters. Though the seaward feature extends several hundred meters farther to the northeast, it too is not well founded or continuous enough to have served as some kind of thoroughfare.
These observations are disputed by other investigators. For example, some investigators state that where sand had washed away between the seams, another course of blocks can be seen along with small blocks underlying these blocks. However, detailed evidence that clearly documents the alleged presence of a continuous second layer (course) of stones beneath the stones forming the currently exposed pavement has not yet been published in a reputable, scientific venue with the detail that is needed for critical evaluation.Pictures posted on various web pages of stones alleged to be artificial "wedge stones" and "prop stones" fail as convincing evidence for a second course of stones because they typically smaller in size, do not form a continuous course, and too infrequently lie directly beneath the blocks that form the surface of the Bimini Road. This is not what would be expected of an actual underlying course of manmade masonry.

In addition, early studies of the Bimini Road, i.e. Gifford and Ball and David Zink, report taking numerous samples and cores for examination. In addition, it is safe to presume that a certain number of the innumerable visitors to the Bimini Road have chipped off pieces of it. Scientific sampling and souvenir hunting would have left behind modern "tool marks" on the various blocks comprising the Bimini Road for later investigators to find.

Age of the Bimini Road
Attempts have been made to determine the age of the Bimini Road using different techniques. These attempts include direct radiocarbon dating of the stones composing the Bimini Road and Uranium-thorium dating of the marine limestone on which the Bimini Road lies.

In 1978, the radiocarbon laboratory operated by the Department of Geology at the University of Miami dated samples from a core collected by E. A. Shinn in 1977 from the Bimini Road. In 1979, Calvert and others[8] reported dates of 2780±70 (UM-1359), 3500±80 (UM-1360), and 3350±90 (UM-1361) from whole rock samples; a date of 3510±70 (UM-1362), from shells extracted from the beach-rock core; and dates of 2770±80 (UM-1364) and 2840±70 (UM-1365) from carbonate cementing the beach-rock core.

These dates are temporally consistent in that the shells comprising the beach-rock core from the Bimini Road dated older than the cement holding them together as beach-rock. These dates can be interpreted as indicating that the shells comprising the Bimini Road are, uncorrected for temporal and environmental variations in radiocarbon, about 3,500 years old. Because of time-averaging and other taphonomic factors, a random collection of shells likely would yield a radiocarbon date that is a few hundred years older than when the final accumulation of shells, which were cemented to form beach-rock, actually occurred.

The radiocarbon dates from the cement demonstrate the beach-rock comprising the Bimini Road formed about 2,800 radiocarbon years ago by the cementation of pre-existing sediments that accumulated about 1,300 years earlier. Compared to the dates from the shells and the cement, it appears that the whole rock dates reflect samples containing varying proportions of shell and cement without any significant contamination by younger radiocarbon.

Both these dates and interpretation are consistent with the detailed research by Davaud and Strasser that concluded that the layer of beach-rock comprising the Bimni Road formed beneath the surface of North Bimini Island and was only exposed by coastal erosion about 1,900 to 2,000 years ago.

Proponents of the Bimini Road being a man-made feature argue that these radiocarbon dates are invalid because they were obtained entirely from whole rock samples and subject to contamination from younger carbon.

The background data reported by Calvert and others concerning the radiocarbon dates from the Bimini Road demonstrate that not all of these dates come entirely from whole rock samples.

That the dates from the shells and the clearly younger cement holding them together as beach-rock are temporarily consistent argues against any signification alteration of their radiocarbon content. In addition, other studies using radiocarbon dating to study sea level and the age of sediment and beach-rock within the Bahamas have not reported any significant problems with contamination by younger radiocarbon.

In their detailed research, Davaud and Strasser accepted the radiocarbon dates obtained from the beach-rock comprising the Bimini Road from the radiocarbon laboratory at the University of Miami as valid indicators of its age.

Gifford and Ball attempted to establish a minimum age using Uranium-Thorium dating for the Bimini Road by dating a whole rock sample of the marine limestone (biopelsparite) that underlies the beach-rock that comprises the Bimini Road. They described this sample as being "Whole rock marine limestone under beachrock off Paradise Point, North Bimini; some recrystallization." This sample yielded a Uranium-Thorium date of 14,992±258 BP (7132-19/2). Supporters of the idea that the Bimini Road is man-made structure frequently cite this date in support of it being artificial.

The Uranium-Thorium date published by Gifford and Ball is regarded as an invalid and meaningless date for two reasons. First, because the sample is partially recrystallized means that this limestone sample was not a closed system as required for a meaningful Uranium-Thorium date. As a result, this specific date is only an apparent date that completely lacks any scientific value for interpreting the age of marine limestone underlying the age of the Bimini Road.

Currently, specific species of corals and molluscs that can be demonstrated to lack any recrystallization using petrographic and X-ray diffraction techniques are the preferred samples for dating. Currently, any limestone sample that shows the least amount of recyrstallization is now regarded as incapable of yielding a scientifically valid date and not even worth an attempt at dating.

Finally, it is well documented that about 15,000 calendar years ago, sea level in this region was between 95 and 100 meters (312 and 330 feet) below present sea level.

As a result, the location from where Gifford and Ball collected the sample of limestone was between 90 and 95 meters (295 and 312 feet) above sea level at the time indicated by the Uranium-Thorium date of 14,992±258 BP (7132-19/2).

Therefore, it is physically impossible for the marine limestone underlying the Bimini Road to have accumulated around 15,000 BP. Thus, this Uranium-Thorium date is a meaningless, invalid date lacking any scientific significance. Because this Uranium-Thorium date clearly lacks any scientific meaning, geologists and archaeologists rarely mention it in their discussions of the Bimini Road. The marine limestone underlying the Bimini Road dates to the Sangamonian Stage, the last interglacial, when sea level was last high enough for the marine sediments, now lithified into limestone, to have accumulated.

Geological Explanation
The consensus among conventional geologists and archaeologists is that the Bimini Road is a natural feature composed of beach-rock that orthogonal and other joints have broken up into rectangular, sub-rectangular, polygonal, and irregular blocks.

The geologists and anthropologists, who have personally studied the Bimini Road, include Eugene Shinn of the U.S. Geological Survey; Marshall McKusick an Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Iowa; W. Harrison of Environmental Research Associates, Virginia, Beach Virginia; Mahlon M. Ball and J. A. Gifford of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami; and Eric Davaud and A. Strasser of the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

After either inspecting or studying the Bimini Road, they all concluded that it consists of naturally jointed beach-rock. John A. Gifford, a professional geologist, spent a significant time studying the geology of the Bimini Islands for his University of Master's thesis about the geology of the Bimini Islands. Calvert and others identified the samples that they dated from the Bimini Wall as being natural beach-rock.

Detailed studies by E. Davaud and A. Strasser of Holocene limestones currently exposed on North Bimini and Joulter Cays (Bahamas) reveal the sequence of events likely responsible for creating beach-rock pavements like the Bimini Road. First, a complete beach sequence of shallow subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal carbonate sediments accumulated as the shoreline of North Binimi built seaward during part of the Holocene.

Once the deposition of these sediments built the North BiminiÕs shoreline seaward, freshwater cementation of the carbonate occurred at some depth, possible even a meter or so below sea level, beneath the islandÕs surface. This cementation created a band consisting of a thick primary layer of semilithified sediments and thinner discontinuous lenses and layers of similar semilithified sediments beneath it.

Later, when erosion of the island Õs shoreline occurred, the band of semilithifed sediment was exposed within the inter-tidal zone and the semilithified sediments was cemented into beach-rock. As the sediments underlying the eroding shoreline was eroded down to Pleistocene limestone, the beach-rock broke into flat-lying, tabular, and rectangular, sub-rectangular, polygonal, and irregular blocks as observed for modern beaches within the Bahamas by E. Davaud and A. Strasser.

Thinner layers of beach-rock underlying the primary bed of beach-rock were also broken up as the loose sediments enclosing them and the thicker primary bed were eroded. As the loose sediment was scoured out from under the blocks and other pieces of beach-rock by called 'scour and settling processes', they dropped downward in depth by several meters until they rested directly on the erosion resistant Pleistocene limestone as an erosional lag. Eugene Shinn discusses a similar, but not identical, process by which the Bimini Road could have been created.

The downward movement of large solid objects by scour and settling processes has been documented by Jesse E. McNinch, John T. Wells, and other researchers. They concluded that large heavy objects could sink into the sea bottom by several meters without significant lateral movement as the result of scour and settling processes if an erosion resistant layer of sediment was not encountered. In case of the beachrock blocks comprising the Bimini Road and other pieces underlying it, the erosion resistant layer that limited how far they were dropped downward by scour and settling processes is the Pleistocene limestone on which they now rest.

Finally, pieces of thinner layers or lenses of beach-rock underlying the primary bed that was broken up and dropped downward to create the Bimini Road would be trapped beneath the blocks as they also where broken up and dropped by erosion.

The trapping of these fragments of beach-rock beneath the blocks comprising the Bimini Road as erosion removed loose sediments and dropped them on the surface of the Pleistocene limestone the blocks of the Bimini Road on top of them would have created the so-called 'prop' and 'wedge' rocks and blocks alleged to be a 'second course' of masonry.

Presuming that the blocks of beach-rock forming the Bimini Road originally formed at some unknown depth below sea level and have been dropped by erosion by several meters, dating the age of the Bimini Road by its relation to past sea level would be a useless dating technique that will produce misleading results.

Natural pavements composed of stone blocks, which often are far more rectangular and consistent in size than the blocks composing the Bimini Road, created by orthogonal and other jointing within sedimentary rocks, including beachrock, are quite common and found throughout the world.

They include a popular tourist attraction, the Tessellated pavement of Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania; jointed bedrock that has been completely misidentified as a manmade "Phoenician Fortress and Furnace" in Oklahoma; a Òtiled pavementÓ reported from Battlement Mesa in western Colorado; the tesselated pavement of the Bouddi Peninsula near Sydney, Australia; and Arches National Monument in Utah.

Natural beach rock pavements that are identical to the Bimini Road have been found eroding out of the east shore of Loggerhead Key of Dry Tortugas and submerged beneath 90 meters of water at Pulley Ridge off the southwest coast of Florida.

Claims of a Human Origin
According to Ancient Alien Theory Atlantis is a submerged city built hundreds of thousands of years ago by aliens who visited the planet.

Although it is generally considered to be a naturally occurring geological feature, as a result of the unusual arrangement and shape of the stones some believe the formation is the remains of an ancient road, wall, or some other deliberately constructed feature.

For example articles published in Argosy (an American pulp magazine) and either authored or coauthored by Robert F. Marx, a professional diver and visitor to the Binimi Road, argued that the Bimini Road is an artificial structure.

In the 1971 Argosy article, Robert Marx reported that Dr. Carl H. Holm, who was President, not "head geologist" as reported by Marx, of Global Oceanic; once a manager for North American Rockwell; a ship designer; and retired naval officer stated that there was "little doubt" that the massive stone blocks were cut by people.

The same article noted that he was part of an expedition sponsored by North American Rockwell that included Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut, as leader; Dimitri Rebikoff; and "a number of psychics from the Edgar Cayce Foundation."

Given the complete lack of citations to this research in GeoRef, JSTOR, Web of Knowledge, and other scientific bibliographic databases, neither the data collected from nor the interpretations and conclusions made as a result of this expedition very likely have been publicly reported in a scientific venue where their credibility can be openly evaluated.

Others who consider the Bimini undersea formation to be man-made, as opposed to natural beachrock, are Joseph Manson Valentine, zoologist, Charles Berlitz, linguist, Gregory Little, psychologist, R. Cedric Leonard, anthropologist, and Dimitri Rebikoff, French marine engineer.

All claim to have investigated the ruins in person, and claim to have observed more than one horizontal layer of blocks, at least in places. However, multiple layers of block can result naturally from systematic fracturing of sedimentary where multiple layers of sedimentary lie on top of each as can be observed in case of the tessellated pavement of Tasmania exposed at the Eaglehawk Neck on the Tasman Peninsula. or even Cantre'r Gwaelod, Cantre'r Gwaelod, also known as Cantref Gwaelod or Cantref y Gwaelod (English: The Lowland Hundred), is a legendary ancient sunken kingdom said to have occupied a tract of fertile land lying between Ramsey Island and Bardsey Island in what is now Cardigan Bay to the west of Wales. It has been described as a "Welsh Atlantis" and has featured in folklore, literature and song.

There is no reliable physical evidence of the substantial community that legend promises lies under the sea, although several reports exist of remains being sighted. In 1770, Welsh antiquarian scholar William Owen Pughe reported seeing sunken human habitations about four miles (6.4 km) off the Ceredigion coast, between the rivers Ystwyth and Teifi. In the 1846 edition of The Topographical Dictionary of Wales, Samuel Lewis described a feature of stone walls and causeways beneath the shallow waters of Cardigan Bay.


Cantre'r Gwaelod was an area of land which, according to legend, was located in an area west of present-day Wales which is now under the waters of Cardigan Bay. Accounts variously suggest the tract of land extended from Bardsey Island to Cardigan or as far south as Ramsey Island Legends of the land suggest that it may have extended 20 miles west of the present coast.

There are several versions of the myth. The earliest known form of the legend is usually said to appear in the Black Book of Carmarthen (Welsh: Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin'), in which the land is referred to as Maes Gwyddno (English: the Plain of Gwyddno). In this version, the land was lost to floods when a well-maiden named Mererid neglected her duties and allowed the well to overflow.

Rachel Bromwich questions this identification, saying that "There is no certainty, however, that in twelfth century tradition Maes Gwyddneu did represent the submerged land in Cardigan Bay." She also links Gwyddno with the northern British kingdoms, not Wales.

The popular version known today is thought to have been formed from the 17th century onward. Cantre'r Gwaelod is described as a low-lying land fortified against the sea by a dyke, Sarn Badrig (Saint Patrick's causeway), with a series of sluice gates which were opened at low tide to drain the land.

Cantre'r Gwaelod's capital was Caer Wyddno (English: the Fort of Gwyddno), seat of the ruler Gwyddno Garanhir. Two princes of the realm held charge over the dyke. One of these princes, called Seithenyn, is described in one version as a notorious drunkard and carouser, and it was through his negligence that the sea swept through the open floodgates, ruining the land. The church bells of Cantre'r Gwaelod are said to ring out in times of danger or how about The Ruins of Gulf of Khambhat and Dwarka, (, The Gulf of Khambhat (formerly known as the Gulf of Cambay) is an inlet of the Arabian Sea along the west coast of India, in the state of Gujarat. It is about 80 miles in length, and divides the Kathiawar peninsula to the west from the eastern part of Gujarat state on the east. The Narmada and Tapti rivers empty into the Gulf.

Marine archaeology in the Gulf of Cambay - now known as the Gulf of Khambhat - centres around controversial findings made in December 2000 by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT). The structures and artefacts discovered by NIOT are the subject of contention. The major disputes surrounding the Gulf of Khambhat Cultural Complex (GKCC) are claims about the existence of submerged city-like structures, the difficulty associating dated artefacts with the site itself, and disputes about whether stone artefacts recovered at the site are actually geofacts.

One major complaint is that artefacts at the site were recovered by dredging, instead of being recovered during a controlled archaeological excavation. This leads archaeologists to claim that these artefacts cannot be definitively tied to the site. Because of this problem, prominent archaeologists reject a piece of wood that was recovered by dredging and dated to 7500 B.C. as having any significance in dating the site. Another major issue is that no marine archaeologist has actually inspected the site. All current research has been based on controversial sonar scans, and artefacts dredged from the sea bed.

In May 2001, India's Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Science and Technology division, Murli Manohar Joshi, announced that the ruins of an ancient civilisation had been discovered off the coast of Gujarat, in the Gulf of Khambhat. The site was discovered by NIOT while they performed routine pollution studies using sonar, and was described as an area of regularly spaced geometric structures. It is located 20 km from the Gujarat coast, spans 9 km, and can be found at a depth of 30-40 meters. In his announcement, Joshi represented the site as an urban settlement that predates Indus Valley Civilization. Further descriptions of the site by Joshi describe it as containing regularly spaced dwellings, a granary, a bath, a citadel, and a drainage system.

A follow-up investigation was conducted by NIOT in November 2001, which included dredging to recover artefacts and sonar scans to detect structures. Among the artefacts recovered were a piece of wood, pottery sherds, weathered stones initially described as hand tools, fossilised bones, and a tooth. Artefacts were sent to the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) in Hyderabad, India, the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany (BSIP) in Lucknow, Germany, and the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, India. The piece of wood was carbon dated to an age of 9,500 years old.

NIOT returned for further investigation in the Gulf from October 2002 to January 2003. During these excavations, NIOT reported finding two paleochannels flanked by rectangular and square basement-like features. Artefacts were recovered by means of dredging, including pottery sherds, microliths, wattle and daub remains, and hearth materials. These artefacts were sent for dating at the laboratories of Manipur University and Oxford University. The wattle and daub remains are composed of locally available clay, reed, husk, pottery pieces, and pieces of fresh water shell. The wattle and daub also shows evidence of partial burning.

The most recent work in the Gulf of Khambhat took place from October 2003 to January 2004 and was primarily a geologic study. Techniques used during this investigation include bathymetry survey, sub-bottom survey, side-scan survey, and magnetic survey.

One of the major findings from this investigation concerns the orientation of sand ripples at the site. NIOT researchers claim that there are two sets of ripples visible at the site; One set is a natural feature formed by tidal currents while the other set has formed in relation to underlying structural features.

One of the main controversies surrounding the GKCC is the dated piece of wood. Dr. D.P. Agrawal, chairman of the Paleoclimate Group and founder of Carbon-14 testing facilities in India stated in an article in Front-line Magazine that the piece was dated twice, at separate laboratories.

The NGRI in Hyderabad returned a date of 7190 BC and the BSIP in Hannover returned a date of 7545-7490 BC. Some archeologists, Agrawal in particular, contest that the discovery of an ancient piece of wood does not imply the discovery of an ancient civilisation. Agrawal argues that the wood piece is a common find, given that 20,000 years ago the Arabian Sea was 100 meters lower than its current level, and that the gradual sea level rise submerged entire forests.

Another issue is the potsherds retrieved from the site during the various excavations. Researchers describe them as indicative of hand-made and wheel-turned pottery traditions. The remains found have simple rims with small incised lines. All of the remains found so far belong to small or miniature pieces of pottery. Part of the controversy is that these pieces might be natural geofacts; the small size of the artifact collection makes it difficult to conclusively analyse the pottery. But if the pottery is genuine, researchers say it should show some similarities to Harappan pottery, which is typically red and black and stamped with seals. Based on the current pottery collection, a stylistic continuity of Harappan civilization isn't evident.

In a History Channel presentation of "Ancient Aliens", November 11, 2010, ancient astronauts theorists and marine archaeologist presented evidence of a civilisation that sank to the see thousands of years before humans living on the planet could have possibly built the ruins of the ancient cities at Khambhat and Dwarka, said to be the ancient dwelling place of Lord Krishna, who like many gods is thought to be an alien. One legend says that after a great battle with space ships, Krishna eventually departed Earth after which his Dwarka into the sea.

What was once thought of as mythology, as the discovery of an ancient sunken off of India, that could be Dwarka, all of that has changed. People are beginning to look at ancient sanskrit texts in new light as perhaps actual historical records. Did India's ancestors witness a war between extraterrestrial entities? Are these interpretations of India's ancient texts proof of alien contact in Earth's past? Are the descriptions of gods actually extraterrestrials?, Dwarka: The Home of Krishna is a Gateway to Heaven and an Underwater City   Ancient Origins - October 18, 2015 

According to Hindu mythology, Dvaraka was a city where Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu, once lived. It is believed that Krishna was born in Mathura, just south of Delhi in the modern state of Uttar Pradesh. His uncle, Kansa, was the tyrannical ruler of this city and was eventually killed by Krishna. Kansa's father-in-law, who was Jarasandh, the king of Magadha, was furious when he heard of Kansa's murder, and tried to avenge his death, or how about, Lake Titicaca Underwater Ruins,, (, Ancient temple found under Lake Titicaca   BBC - August 23, 2000
Divers went as deep as 30m in their exploration The ruins of an ancient temple have been found by international archaeologists under Lake Titicaca, the world's highest lake. A terrace for crops, a long road and an 800-metre (2,600 feet) long wall was also found under the waters of the lake, sited in the Andes mountains between Bolivia and Peru. Dating back 1,000 to 1,500 years ago, the ruins are pre-Incan. They have been attributed to the indigenous Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco people, said Lorenzo Epis, the Italian scientist leading the Atahuallpa 2000 scientific expedition. The holy temple measures 200m by 50m (660ft by 160ft) almost twice the size of an average football pitch. More than 200 dives were made into the lake, to depths of as much as 30m (100ft), to record the ruins on film.

Pre-Inca ruins found in lake Titicaca   The Guardian - August 23, 2000
The ruins of what is thought to be a huge ancient temple have been discovered by archaeologists diving beneath Lake Titicaca in the Andes between Bolivia and Peru. An international team of scientists announced the finding this week after making more than 200 dives in Titicaca, which, at 3,800m above sea level, is the world's highest navigable lake.

or how about Mysterious Monument Found Beneath the Sea of Galilee

Mysterious Monument Found Beneath the Sea of Galilee   Science Daily - June 10, 2013
The shores of the Sea of Galilee, located in the North of Israel, are home to a number of significant archaeological sites. Now researchers from Tel Aviv University have found an ancient structure deep beneath the waves as well.

Researchers stumbled upon a cone-shaped monument, approximately 230 feet in diameter, 39 feet high, and weighing an estimated 60,000 tons, while conducting a geophysical survey on the southern Sea of Galilee, reports Prof. Shmulik Marco of TAU's Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences. The team also included TAU Profs. Zvi Ben-Avraham and Moshe Reshef, and TAU alumni Dr. Gideon Tibor of the Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute.

Initial findings indicate that the structure was built on dry land approximately 6,000 years ago, and later submerged under the water. Prof. Marco calls it an impressive feat, noting that the stones, which comprise the structure, were probably brought from more than a mile away and arranged according to a specific construction plan.

Dr. Yitzhak Paz of the Antiquities Authority and Ben-Gurion University says that the site, which was recently detailed in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, resembles early burial sites in Europe and was likely built in the early Bronze Age. He believes that there may be a connection to the nearby ancient city of Beit Yerah, the largest and most fortified city in the area.

Ancient structure revealed by sonar

The team of researchers initially set out to uncover the origins of alluvium pebbles found in this area of the Sea of Galilee, which they believe were deposited by the ancient Yavniel Creek, a precursor to the Jordan River south of the Sea of Galilee. While using sonar technology to survey the bottom of the lake, they observed a massive pile of stones in the midst of the otherwise smooth basin.

Curious about the unusual blip on their sonar, Prof. Marco went diving to learn more. A closer look revealed that the pile was not a random accumulation of stones, but a purposefully-built structure composed of three-foot-long volcanic stones called basalt. Because the closest deposit of the stone is more than a mile away, he believes that they were brought to the site specifically for this structure.

To estimate the age of the structure, researchers turned to the accumulation of sand around its base. Due to a natural build-up of sand throughout the years, the base is now six to ten feet below the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. Taking into account the height of the sand and the rate of accumulation, researchers deduced that the monument is several thousand years old.

Looking deeper

Next, the researchers plan to organise a specialised underwater excavations team to learn more about the origins of the structure, including an investigation of the surface the structure was built on. A hunt for artefacts will help to more accurately date the monument and give clues as to its purpose and builders. And while it is sure to interest archaeologists, Prof. Marco says that the findings could also illuminate the geological history of the region.

"The base of the structure -- which was once on dry land -- is lower than any water level that we know of in the ancient Sea of Galilee. But this doesn't necessarily mean that water levels have been steadily rising," he says. Because the Sea of Galilee is a tectonically active region, the bottom of the lake, and therefore the structure, may have shifted over time. Further investigation is planned to increase the understanding of past tectonic movements, the accumulation of sediment, and the changing water levels throughout history. Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath the Persian Gulf

Live Science - December 9, 2010
Veiled beneath the Persian Gulf, a once-fertile landmass may have supported some of the earliest humans outside Africa some 75,000 to 100,000 years ago, a new review of research suggests.
At its peak, the floodplain now below the Gulf would have been about the size of Great Britain, and then shrank as water began to flood the area. Then, about 8,000 years ago, the land would have been swallowed up by the Indian Ocean, the review scientist said.
At its peak, the floodplain now below the Gulf would have been about the size of Great Britain, and then shrank as water began to flood the area. Then, about 8,000 years ago, the land would have been swallowed up by the Indian Ocean, the review scientist said.
The study, which is detailed in the December issue of the journal Current Anthropology, has broad implications for aspects of human history. For instance, scientists have debated over when early modern humans exited Africa, with dates as early as 125,000 years ago and as recent as 60,000 years ago (the more recent date is the currently accepted paradigm), according to study researcher Jeffrey Rose, an archaeologist at the University of Birmingham in the U.K.
"I think Jeff's theory is bold and imaginative, and hopefully will shake things up," Robert Carter of Oxford Brookes University in the U.K. told LiveScience. "It would completely rewrite our understanding of the out-of-Africa migration. It is far from proven, but Jeff and others will be developing research programs to test the theory."
Viktor Cerny of the Archaeogenetics Laboratory, the Institute of Archaeology, in Prague, called Rose's finding an "excellent theory," in an e-mail to LiveScience, though he also points out the need for more research to confirm it. The findings have sparked discussion among researchers, including Carter and Cerny, who were allowed to provide comments within the research paper, about who exactly the humans were who occupied the Gulf basin.
"Given the presence of Neanderthal communities in the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates River, as well as in the eastern Mediterranean region, this may very well have been the contact zone between moderns and Neanderthals," Rose told LiveScience. In fact, recent evidence from the sequencing of the Neanderthal genome suggests interbreeding, meaning we are part caveman.
Watery Refuge
The Gulf Oasis would have been a shallow inland basin exposed from about 75,000 years ago until 8,000 years ago, forming the southern tip of the Fertile Crescent, according to historical sea-level records.
And it would have been an ideal refuge from the harsh deserts surrounding it, with fresh water supplied by the Tigris, Euphrates, Karun and Wadi Baton Rivers, as well as by up-welling springs, Rose said. And during the last ice age when conditions were at their driest, this basin would've been at its largest.
In fact, in recent years, archaeologists have turned up evidence of a wave of human settlements along the shores of the Gulf dating to about 7,500 years ago.
"Where before there had been but a handful of scattered hunting camps, suddenly, over 60 new archaeological sites appear virtually overnight," Rose said. "These settlements boast well-built, permanent stone houses, long-distance trade networks, elaborately decorated pottery, domesticated animals, and even evidence for one of the oldest boats in the world."
Rather than quickly evolving settlements, Rose thinks precursor populations did exist but have remained hidden beneath the Gulf. [History's Most Overlooked Mysteries]
"Perhaps it is no coincidence that the founding of such remarkably well developed communities along the shoreline corresponds with the flooding of the Persian Gulf basin around 8,000 years ago," Rose said. "These new colonists may have come from the heart of the Gulf, displaced by rising water levels that plunged the once fertile landscape beneath the waters of the Indian Ocean."
Ironclad case?
The most definitive evidence of these human camps in the Gulf comes from a new archaeological site called Jebel Faya 1 within the Gulf basin that was discovered four years ago. There, Hans-Peter Uerpmann of the University of Tubingen in Germany found three different Paleolithic settlements occurring from about 125,000 to 25,000 years ago. That and other archaeological sites, Rose said, indicate "that early human groups were living around the Gulf basin throughout the Late Pleistocene."
To make an ironclad case for such human occupation during the Palaeolithic, or early Stone Age, of the now-submerged landmass, Rose said scientists would need to find any evidence of stone tools scattered under the Gulf. "As for the Neolithic, it would be wonderful to find some evidence for human-built structures," dated to that time period in the Gulf, Rose said.
Carter said in order to make for a solid case, "we would need to find a submerged site, and excavate it underwater. This would likely only happen as the culmination of years of survey in carefully selected areas."
Cerny said a sealed-tight case could be made with "some fossils of the anatomically modern humans some 100,000 years old found in South Arabia."
And there's a hint of mythology here, too, Rose pointed out. "Nearly every civilisation living in southern Mesopotamia has told some form of the flood myth. While the names might change, the content and structure are consistent from 2,500 B.C. to the Genesis account to the Qur'anic version," Rose said.
Perhaps evidence beneath the Gulf? "If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands," said Rose, quoting Douglas Adams. (hilarious),
or how about the North sea Undersea World, A lost landscape where early humans roamed more than 12,000 years ago has been uncovered beneath the North Sea. A map of the underwater world reveals crisscrossing rivers, giant lakes and gentle hills around which hunter-gatherers made their homes and found their meals toward the end of the last ice age. The region was inundated between 18,000 and 6,000BC, when the warming climate melted the thick glaciers that pressed down from the north. As the waters rose, the great plain vanished, and slowly, the contours of the British isles and the north-west European coastline were established. Now, the primitive landscape is submerged and preserved,tens of metres beneath one of the busiest seas in the world.
Scientists compiled 3D seismic records from oil-prospecting vessels working in the North Sea over a period of 18 months to piece together a landscape covering 23,000 square kilometres, an area equivalent to the size of Wales. The records allowed them to identify the scars left by ancient riverbeds and lakes, some 25km across, but also salt marshes and valleys that would have played so crucial a role in shaping the early humans' lives. The map stretches from the coast of East Anglia to the edge of northern Europe.
"Some of this land would have made the perfect environment for hunter-gatherers. There are rivers and lakes for fresh water and fishing, and these would also have attracted animals. There is higher land where they could have built their homes and hills they could see their prey from," said Vince Gaffney, the director of Birmingham University's Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, who led the project with Ken Thomson, a geologist.
The recreation of the ancient landscape shows that the land beneath the North Sea was probably more than merely a land bridge, as some scientists attest. People moving north into Europe as the worst extremes of the ice age receded, could have lived comfortably on the land, with what is now Britain marginalised and distant.
"People think this was a land bridge across which people roamed to get to Britain, but the truth is very different. The places you wanted to live were the big plains next to the water and the coastline was way beyond where it is now. This was probably a heartland of population at the time," Prof Gaffney said. "This completely transforms how we understand the early history of north-western europe."
The northernmost point of the map falls just short of the south coast of Norway, where rising water levels swamped the land around 18,000BC. As the world warmed, the waters moved south, until the regions at the southernmost edge of the scientists' map were covered by 6,000BC. Climate scientists predict that global warming will see temperatures rise as much in the next 100 years as they did in that 12,000-year period.
The research team hope to find pollen and other plant matter in cores drilled from the seabed, finds that will give them clues as to what foliage greened the land at the time. They will then use computer models to predict where on the landscape primitive communities are likely to have built their homes, allowing archaeologists to identify the best places to hunt for artefacts in the future. "This is the best preserved prehistoric landscape, certainly in the whole of Europe and possibly the world," said Prof Gaffney. "The countries bordering it have plans to run cables down there, to extract aggregates and set up wind-farms and yet they've got what has to be one of the premier archaeological landscapes in the world at their fingertips, they just don't know it's there.",
or how about, Yonaguni Ruins, The Yonaguni Monument is a massive underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. The Monument consists of medium to very fine sandstone's and mud-stones of the Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group, deposited about 20 million years ago. Most of the significant formations are connected to the underlying rock mass (as opposed to being assembled out of freestanding rocks). There is a debate about whether the site is completely natural, is a natural site that has been modified, or is a man-made artefact.
The main feature (the "Monument" proper) is a rectangular formation measuring about 150 by 40 m (490 by 130 ft), and about 27 m (90 ft) tall; the top is about 5 m (16 ft) below sea level. Most of its top surface consists of a complex series of terraces and broad steps, mostly rectangular, bounded by near vertical walls.
It is composed of terraces and steps, and has formations up for personal interpretation. It is perhaps part of an ancient civilisation that lived on the planet millennia ago, almost looking like an ancient landing platform. This takes us to Ancient Alien Theory. (, Artificial Structures
The flat parallel faces, sharp edges, and mostly right angles of the formation have led many people, including many of the underwater photographers and divers that have visited the site and some scholars, to the opinion that those features are man-made.
These people include Gary and Cecilia Hagland and Tom Holden who went on underwater expeditions to study and photograph the site as well as Dr. Sean Kingsley, a marine archaeologist. These features include a trench that has two internal 90° angles as well as the twin megaliths that appear to have been placed there. These megaliths have straight edges and square corners. However sea currents have been known to move large rocks on a regular basis.
Some of those who see the formations as being largely natural claim that they may have been modified by human hands. The semi-regular terraces of the Monument have been compared to other examples of megalithic architecture, such as the rock-hewn terraces seen at Sacsayhuaman. The formations have also been compared to the Okinawa Tomb, a rock-hewn structure of uncertain age.
Other evidence presented by those who favor an artificial origin include the two round holes (about 2 feet wide, according to photographs) on the edge of the Triangle Pool feature, and a straight row of smaller holes which have been interpreted as an abandoned attempt to split off a section of the rock by means of wedges, as in ancient quarries. Kimura believes that he has identified traces of drawings of animals and people engraved on the rocks, including a horse-like sign that he believes resembles a character from the Kaida script. Some have also interpreted a formation on the side of one of the monuments as a crude moai-like "face".
Supporters of artificial origin also argue that, while many of the features seen at Yonaguni are also seen in natural sandstone formations throughout the world, the concentration of so many peculiar formations in such a small area is highly unlikely. They also point to the relative absence of loose blocks on the flat areas of the formation, which would be expected if they were formed solely by natural erosion and fracturing.
If any part of the Monument was deliberately constructed or modified, that must have happened during the last Ice Age, when the sea level was much lower than it is today (e.g. 39 m (130 ft) lower around 10,000 years BCE).
During the Ice Age, the East China Sea was a narrow bay opening to the ocean at today's Tokara Gap. The Sea of Japan was an inland sea and there was no Yellow Sea; people and animals could walk into the Ryukyu peninsula from the continent. Therefore, Yonaguni was the southern end of a land bridge that connected it to Taiwan, Ryuyu, Japan and Asia. This fact is underscored by a rock pillar in a now-submerged cave that has been interpreted as a fused stalactite-stalagmite pair, which could only form above water.
Kimura first estimated that this must be at least 10,000 years old (8,000 BCE) dating it to a time when it would have been above water.
In a report given to the 21st Pacific Science Congress in 2007 he revised this estimate and dated it to 2,000 to 3,000 years ago as the sea level then was close to current levels.
The existence of an ancient stone-working tradition at Yonaguni and other Ryukyu islands is demonstrated by some old tombs and several stone vessels of uncertain age,
Natural Formation, Some of those who have studied the formation, such as geologist Robert Schoch of Boston University, state that it is most likely a natural formation, possibly used and modified by humans in the past. Schoch observes that the sandstone's that make up the Yonaguni formation "contain numerous well-defined, parallel bedding planes along which the layers easily separate. The rocks of this group are also criss-crossed by numerous sets of parallel and vertical (relative to the horizontal bedding planes of the rocks) joints and fractures.
Yonaguni lies in an earthquake-prone region; such earthquakes tend to fracture the rocks in a regular manner." He also observes that on the northeast coast of Yonaguni there are regular formations similar to those seen at the Monument. Schoch also believes that the "drawings" identified by Kimura are natural scratches on the rocks. This is also the view of John Anthony West.
Patrick D. Nunn, Professor of Oceanic Geoscience at the University of the South Pacific, has studied these structures extensively and notes that the structures below the water continue in the Sanninudai slate cliffs above, which have "been fashioned solely by natural processes" and concludes in regard to the underwater structures that "there seems no reason to suppose that they are artificial."
Other examples of natural formations with flat faces and sharp straight edges are the basalt columns of the Giant's Causeway and the natural staircase formation on Old Rag Mountain.
In addition to scientific explanations, other esoteric theories are that Yonaguni was part of the legendary ancient civilisations of Mu (Lemuria), whose fate it shared with Atlantis or Thule, as an ancient advanced civilisation which sank into the sea. Another theory is that the Yonaguni structures fit in with the claims made by some biblical creationists regarding the presence of advanced civilisations prior to a global catastrophe, resulting in the destruction of many such civilisations.
you see peep's, we have been on Earth a very long time, far longer than they admit, as they don't want people to get frightened, so let not delve into the underground bases,(  just watch it with a open mind, not so much as your brain falls out though 
as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

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