
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks 5000+ just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, 

also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks 5000+ just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, 

George Smeddles - Shake Your Body (Original Mix)

you know, i just want to make you, "Shake Your Body", to the bea, i was quite happily posting away until Fb decided i was getting too much attention, what with waking up to a couple of hundred messages and notifications, then to be hampered and have my page tapered with to the maximum by FB, by hiding/removing all the notifications and likes, I've seen it with my own eyes, I've been in a room with a lot of peep,s who all liked a single track and would you believe it not a single notification or like or fuck all from FB, talk about fucked up customer service and public relations, i don't even think they know what good music is, and on that note its time to cause fb to have another heart attack, its Time To Groove as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

George Smeddles - Shake Your Body (Original Mix)

you know, i just want to make you, "Shake Your Body", to the bea, i was quite happily posting away until Fb decided i was getting too much attention, what with waking up to a couple of hundred messages and notifications, then to be hampered and have my page tapered with to the maximum by FB, by hiding/removing all the notifications and likes, I've seen it with my own eyes, I've been in a room with a lot of peep,s who all liked a single track and would you believe it not a single notification or like or fuck all from FB, talk about fucked up customer service and public relations, i don't even think they know what good music is, and on that note its time to cause fb to have another heart attack, its Time To Groove as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Gianni Firmaio - Hypnotized (Original Mix)

you know, why you always check your feed even when theres nothing happening on Fb, you just keep on pressing refresh or home in a, "Hypnotized", (Hypnotised), hypnogogic state to see if there is anything new or worthwhile reading, its because FB exploits a part of the human psyche that seeks to the approval of by others, thereby self validating the views and opinions formed in the self as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Gianni Firmaio - Hypnotized (Original Mix)

you know, why you always check your feed even when theres nothing happening on Fb, you just keep on pressing refresh or home in a, "Hypnotized", (Hypnotised), hypnogogic state to see if there is anything new or worthwhile reading, its because FB exploits a part of the human psyche that seeks to the approval of by others, thereby self validating the views and opinions formed in the self as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Thodoris Triantafillou - Hornbill [Chapter 24]

you know, i really dislike having to use colourful metaphors to adequately express my sheer frustration and dismay at the actual level of blatant censorship and fuckery on Fb, i mean i dont want to blow my own, "Hornbill", but My skills are top level high grade quality beats and FB constantly fucks it up as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Thodoris Triantafillou - Hornbill [Chapter 24]

you know, i really dislike having to use colourful metaphors to adequately express my sheer frustration and dismay at the actual level of blatant censorship and fuckery on Fb, i mean i dont want to blow my own, "Hornbill", but My skills are top level high grade quality beats and FB constantly fucks it up as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Momo Dobrev - Nothing (Original Mix)

you know, i just love it when i spend ages making HD artwork and getting ready to get my groove on, only to be met with a wall of, "Nothing", from FB HQ what a load of shit, zuckerberg hurry up and die you cloned carbon copied weak ass facsimile of a person and a ugly mo fo to boot as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Momo Dobrev - Nothing (Original Mix)

you know, i just love it when i spend ages making HD artwork and getting ready to get my groove on, only to be met with a wall of, "Nothing", from FB HQ what a load of shit, zuckerberg hurry up and die you cloned carbon copied weak ass facsimile of a person and a ugly mo fo to boot as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio
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