
Sidney Charles - Get Together [INTEC DIGITAL]

you know, some of the smartest and brightest minds on the planet tried to figure it out, they still, "Get Together", once a year to discuss their findings, and they have come to a similar conclusion, many belive we are in a simulation, others believe we are just a subconscious representation in the dreams of god as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Premiere: Funkerman - Planuts [Flamingo Records] (tech house)

you know, what if i told you that nothing is what it seems, and all is illusory, me, you, (our physical bodies), the plants, the animals, even the, "Planuts", (Planets, a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star), and the stars, all is immaterial as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Roberto Capuano - So You Want It (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, the thing about the things i know, are they are that bizarre that you would most likely either think I'm mad, and finally flipped my wig and spun it 360', or you wouldn't understand, i know that as to me even some of it seems out there, but its the truth, "So You Want It", you can have it, just don't call me crazy for having the courage to say, what is in my heart and on my mind as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks 5000+ just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, 

Roberto Capuano - Persist (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, half the problem is that doctors and people give up too easily on others, instead you must, "Persist", there have been documented cases of peep's being frozen solid for over 24 hours and still been thawed out with warm plasma and efforts, and have gone on to live full and healthy lives, you have power to decide, if you want to stay or go, or if you try or not, I'm here to stay until the shituation is sorted, but until then its Time To Groove as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Roberto Capuano - Define (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, there is some confusion about how we, "Define", death personally i define it at total cellular inactivity, as even after so called death the body still continues its metabolic processes, such as growth of hair and fingernails the shedding of moisture sweating and cell division and even decaying, and to do that it send out a unique protein marker that triggers nearby cells to self-destruct literally, the body is a circulatory system and all functions are interlinked, if you can restore one metabolic process, you can use it to kick start another as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Roberto Capuano - Work Out (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, to fix any problematic situation like a disease first you must, "Work Out", what is causing it and naturalise it, before you can begin to heal and cleanse the wound, and as it turns out disease old age and even death, its all about the amount of harmful bacterium and the amount of toxic enzymes that build up within your system ,which can be naturalised in many different ways, but there are some really good ones, like frequency and nano bubbles as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Dive Craft - Kopfkino (Denny Kay Remix)

you know, i know we can do it if we just try, I've seen it all play out in my, "Kopfkino", (Head Cinema, Kopf kino, mind), all possible scenarios outcomes and endings and probabilities, and on a long enough tine line every possibility becomes an absolute certainty, so its not a matter of, if but when as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Drastic Duo - Fuck Out

you know, if we cannot work our differences the, "Fuck Out", like decent civilised human beings, and help each other in our times of need, then we are no better than beast of the field, lets put the human back in humanity as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks 5000+ just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, 