
Esensides - Hodl

you knew, i had to give you one more right?, after all you don't need to be psycic for that, unlike when i predicted the fall of bitcoin, while it was still on the way to its highest value point ATH, before they pulled the digital domains rug from under you with said crypto curencies, it seems that some of you listened well to what i said FMO, and some are still, "Hodl", (Holding On For Dear Life, The very first time the term HODL appeared on the Bitcoin talk forum was in 2013 and came from a member named GameKyuubi under the thread I AM HODLING, From the look of the post, he was drunk and wanted to convey the fact that he was holding his BTC despite the serious fall that had just happened. Since then, this misspelled term became very popular in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world. Whenever a person says in a conversation that he/she is hodling or suggests to hodl, it means that they believe their coin will be profitable one day, if not today. So basically, HODL was originally a typo which has now popularly earned the status of a humorous backronym, HODL Hold on for dear life) like them you should not FUD, Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. This term usually refers to investors who are unsure of the potential of a situation, i did tell you in the beginning, they were nothing more than shitcoin, a way of defrauding the peep's out of their hard earned stack, by boosting the prices then crashing the market, thereby being in possession of the foreknowledge of when it will crash and be able to sell at the right moment, to boost their profit to the maximum amount, so if you are still hodling keep hodling, as eventually they will try to harvest again, so remember to hold 'till the second drop, then dump it all back on them, before it fails again, it's the only way for you to profit, from their scam by flipping the switch on them, and now i must away, to the place where the dreams are made, up and out, second star to the right, and straight on, till morning, and with that, I AM out as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) #peace
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks,5000+ and if you keep going back, pretty much every track I've ever posted, just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read, what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, for over a 2 years solid play time, but you know, ya can't have it all looolz ;)

Esensides - High Tide

you know, theres a whole storm of fuckery on its way, like a flood and it's, "High Tide", surf's up!, it's what we do as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio


Esensides - Flow

you know, it just about time for me to follow the, "Flow", of all energy back to the source, to surf the wave and sniff the future, so i hope you enjoyed all the tracks, as much as me as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ornery & JP Lantieri - Distance

you know, it's just about time for me to go the, "Distance", and last the full twelve rounds, and light up the darkness, it's time to blaze as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ornery - Paradox

you know, even though i am gone, i am still here, like a digital, "Paradox", (a statement or proposition that, despite sound or apparently sound reasoning, from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory), trapped in a perpetual loop of fuckery as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

JUST IN: Haider - Fukouttahere [Breaker Breaker]

you know, pretty soon it will be time for me to get, "Fukouttahere", (Fuck Out Of Here), and go and begin the next digital mountain of fuckery, and no doubt i will still be hard at it, like a trooper, when you awaken, so expect the heavy data dump to begin around 10 am to 12 noon-ish, and finish around 18:00 gmt, now thats how we do it as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

The Southern - Aggressive Intent (Original Mix)

you know, the universe is a passive system, it doesnt like any, "Aggressive Intent", from within or without, and it will protect itself and remove the treat, and using the least amount of energy that it has to, to achieve this goal, it's time to Groove as. standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

The Southern - Emotions (Original Mix)

you know, it's like  your, "Emotions", an emotional state is different from a physical state, and it has zero substance or matter, yet it still exerts a force upon you, to make you act or not as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :)

Luca Accardi - Reliefs (Original Mix)

you know, it's not as difficult to understand as it sounds, i'll simplify it for you, much to your, "Reliefs", all matter when it comes in to contact with other matter, leaves a minute indiscernible and almost undetectable trace of itself, a few sub atomic particles exchange places, leaving a indelible mark on each other, like a fingerprint of sorts, undetectable to the eye, yet still it happens, you see there are more energy states that what you would normally asume, like electricity it is a reaction to another force and electromagnetism is a byproduct of this extra state, like a vortex of physical matter will always have a anti vortex of non physical matter like a mirror-image above it as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio