
Sebastian van Lieven - Cohe

you know, i hope you enjoyed this late night fuckery, but it's defo about that time again, when i go on my own solo journey, but don't worry for tomorrow/later on we shall continue with some more, "Cohe", (Continuum of Humanist Education), The Continuum of Humanist Education is a project run by the Institute for Humanist Studies, The Institute for Humanist Studies IHS is a think tank based in Washington, DC, USA, that says it is committed to information and practices meant to address the sociopolitical, economic and cultural challenges facing communities within the United States and within a global context. IHS, consistent with the American Humanist Association and the International Humanist and Ethical Union, says that it understands humanism to be a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity, which sound good to me, but without those other aspect, we have only a one sided view of a situation, which is only half the story as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ugur Project - Freaks Like Us (Original Mix)

you know, the peeps of the world need to unify, and get our collective shit together, "Freaks Like Us", IE peeps of Earth, we need each other, we're all we have as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Shelley Johannson - Negaverse

you know, there are other forms of matter from other uni-verses, they range from a plus a positive universe all the way to a, "Negaverse",  there are even alternate forms of me, some more powerful some just your average Joe, but all have a unique shared ability, and thats to see one another, see the other me's, i ask them to send me their energies and power, to add to my own, i ask them to send me every speck of good intention and positive energy, that they can, you see its stands to reason, in an infinite number of universes, that at least one, will ascend, and i know that always have faith in who i am, i know me, and i know, if i have the ability to help, then i will always as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Shelley Johannson - Iron Wolf

you know, i think the non peeps are labouring under the false pretense, that how shall i word this, hmmm, go quietly into the great night and the great beyond, without a fight, Naaaa no thanks been there and done it that way an infinite amount of times before, I am the, "Iron Wolf", baying at their door, and i fancy a bit of a change, something with a little more flava and kick, than these pigs!, you see they really don't know me, that well or at all tbf, and i will if i have to, stop posting music and make all available resources and time available, to show the world their fuckery, in all its inglorious technicolor, but i would however prefer they came clean, and admitted their wrong doings, and their crimes against humanity and the Earth, and their utter failures, and then we can begin to heal, ask any surgeon, you can't close a wound with the knife still in as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Sahar Z & Navar - When We Face Reality (Khen Bronzed Re Edit)

you know, the real truth behind the lie, can be easily seen and understood, "When We Face Reality",for what it really is, a lie, and if we are careful to pay attention, observe, compile, all the facts and then we can extrapolate and extract, the secret and hidden wisdom held within, and we can learn how to be free as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Zoo Brazil, Mark Fanciulli, Test Tone - East End (Original Mix)

you know, the reason they like to pit the, "East End", against the west, and the north against the south, it's to breed fear, so they can maintain control over you, how many armed officers have you seen walking the streets, and i use the term *officers* very loosely, they are not there to fight terrorists, they are they to show you, the public, that they have guns and that they are willing to use them, on their own populations and on their own streets, a terrorist doesn't rock up at a theme park or another public place like a shopping centre, terrorist fight at a distance, usually from another country, thats the whole point of it, because they cant be reached, thereby have the ability to cause fear and terror in the enemy populace, armed officers walking our streets isn't to fight them or any perceived threat from them, its a scare tactic, armies do it all the time when they occupy a place, they display there guns by parading about while heavily armed, so that people know they have them, which instils fear, theres no need they could do a much better job with non lethal weapons, i'd even give them the plans as a non lethal weapon is the only time that a weapon should ever be used, and even then that should be only in extreme cases, and the bonus is they're still alive to talk and everyone gets to go home, it's not rocket science as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Chus & Ceballos, Oscar L - Fiezzta

you know, life should  be a celebration, a bit like a, "Fiezzta", (a religious festival), without the social conditioning and mind control, don't get me wrong, becoming more spirituality enlightened should be high on everyone's to do list, but all modern religions are a lie, they think only of themselves, and how they can become the largest organised religion in the world, (a subtle way of saying, we're really a corporation but well play along, while were making lots of money,), they are hypocrites and sinners in disguise, and the fact that they all have acquired mass amounts of wealth, and are not doing a single thing of note, to improve the lives of the less fortunate, (basically everyone else who's just a normal person), proves they are liars, how can they claim to be spiritually enlightened, yet not think about all life and how they can improve it as, standardz, hahahahaha :) #edio

Cuartero - Kool Luv

you know, it is OK to show, "Kool Love". (Cool Love), for each other, peeps are like that, they just want to be liked and loved, not hated or feared, its human nature to want to exist in a state of happiness, it's the natural order of things as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Audub - Negative space (Hydergine remix]

you know, the world it doesnt have to be a, "Negative space", for the sole purpose of their profit, it can be free, a paradise for all, we don't want wars or hatred or violence, or weapons bombs, tanks, guns, orbital weapons platforms, we don't want it, same as we don't want or appreciate the slaughter of both on and off world peeps, and the destruction of ancient archaeological sites through out creation to suppress the truth, or the wholesale poisoning of peeps via technological or toxicological means, you should have listened non peep's, the weirdness that we have set in motion, you have never even seen the like of, let alone know a viable countermeasure, you can't stop this kind of fuckery, or hide it behind a sea of milky white artificial clouds, it's the best of all kinds, an idea and a shared thought and philosophy and the ideals that it represents, freedom and happiness appeals to all minds, except those who wish to exercise their control over it, we are many and they are the few, it's time we rounded them up, shipped them off to prison to serve lengthy sentences, for gross genocide against the people of the world and crimes against humanity and all life as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Sophie Lloyd Ft. Dames Brown - Calling Out (Floorplan Revival Mix)

you know, the spirits of our ancestors are, "Calling out", to us, and the ghosts of our future echoes, are looking back to us, they say why?, why do you let this happen, why do you not do something to act, so what say we give them something really good to look at, for we shall succeed, because we dare to dream as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio