
Alex Defru - Blooming (Original Mix)

you knew, i had to give you, one more, right?, and you know, i do my best for you all always, it's just the, "Blooming", fuckery drains my creative juices, and by the time, i get to destination B, i'm done in and could do with a rest, but as always, we choose to go on, and now i must away, to the place where the dreams are made, up and out, second star to the right, and straight on, 'till morning and with that, I AM out as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) #peace

JCMB, D-MICE - Can You Feel It (Original Mix) [Formatik+]

well peep's, it's just about that time, "Can You Feel It", i know i can, i defo need to go, on my own solo journey tonight, so i hope you enjoyed all the tracks, as much as me as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Alessandro Diruggiero, Rone White - Able Neighbor (Original Mix)

you know, in a musical crisis, i'm only too willing to pitch in, and help you out, like your, "Able Neighbour", ready to assist, with the bangin' beats as, standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio

Bassel Darwish - Resident (Original Mix)

you know, i dwell, in the House groove, like a, "Resident", riding out the beat as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Miguel Lobo - Nibiru (Manuel De La Mare Remix)

you know, some peep's think i'm like, "Nibiru", (The prophet), and other think, i'm as mad as a box of frogs, others see me as a saint, and some a sinner, all i see when i look in the mirror, Is just me, one of the Peep's as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Premiere: Jamie Trench - The Foundation

you know, the rhythm and bass is the, "Foundation", of all life, it's just another type of vibrational frequency as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Off Key - No Time (Lucas Ferreyra remix) [Klaphouse Records]

you know, i know we don't have much to, "No Time", left but i want you to know, that i will always give you 100% as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Premiere: Lucati - Emotions (House Music)

you know, it would pain me to be absent, from you and the groove for long, it would cause a whole range of, "Emotions", (a natural instinctive state of mind, deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others), to stir up deep within me, like loss and loneliness, emptiness and panic, we've just got to have that beat as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Paul Hazendonk - Derelicte

you know, it would be just plain weird, without me and the beat, FB would be a like a, "Derelicte", (Derelict, in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.), or a ghost town as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

DJ Vitoto - OMG

you know, it would be a real, "OMG", (Oh My God), situation for me to not make it, i know i make it look easy, but its far from it, since this morning, I've travelled the length of the country, dealt with a ton of fuckery, and negotiated public transport, all on next to zero sleep, and i'm still going Strong as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio