
Dustin Nantais - Empathic

well peep's, it's just about that time, when i go on my own solo journey, and if you knew it, it can mean, only one of two things, your either, "Empathic", (showing an ability to understand, and share the feelings of another), or you know, i finish at twelve as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Housego - Chains (Original Mix) [UHHQ]

you know, it's time to tear at our bonds, and and breakout of the, "chains", that bind us, and tie us down, and hold us fast as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

L.O.R.D.I.E - Alpha (Original Mix) [Griffintown Records]

you know, you cannot lead, if your not a, "Alpha", male and what luck, i am as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ammo Avenue - Catharsis (Original Mix)

well peep's, i hope these tunes, provide you with some, "Catharsis", (the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions), from the stress and strain, of hump day, i know, they are for me as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

LRRH , Valerio Panizio - Rave Day (SanFranciscoBeat Remix)

well peep's, it's almost the end of hump day, and that means only two more sleeps 'till, "Rave Day", for the part time groovers as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Vincenzo Ciani - Die Zukunft Ist Ein Ratsel (Original Mix)

you know, for some people, "Die Zukunft Ist Ein Ratsel", (The future is a puzzle), but not to me, i see it stretching out before us, and the junctions where major choices, have to be made, and the alternate timelines from those decisions as, standardz, hahahahahaha, ) #edio

Vincenzo Ciani - Lost Memories (Original Mix)

you know, you would be surprised, at just how far ahead, i have been with my tech and theories, but i just file it all away, in my, "Lost Memories", drive, that way they cannot be used, against anyone or thing, i'm not going down the road of the Winchester route as, standardz, ,hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Andres Gil - Handmade (Original Mix)

do you know, that you can create a whole miniaturized factory, of nano bot's to do your bidding, i can even tell you, how it is achieved, it's all, "Handmade", by robots of ever decreasing size, it's so easy, i don't know why, no one else thinks of these things as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Tavo Under, Dancel Nattram - Nasty (Original Mix)

you know, they have some really, "Nasty", shit hidden down there, apart from the nuclear powered and launch capable sub's, they have fleets of autonomous drones, and bases, i know you may think it sounds a little Thunderbird style, but believe me when i tell you, i have patents, blueprints, technical spec's, the works on many of these hidden things, its surprising what you can learn, if you just know where to look, ask the white rabbit, i'm sure he can point you, in the right direction to at least one source as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Sergio Del Lago - Deep Sea (Daniel Meister Remix)

did you know, we know more about the moon, than we do the bottom of the, "Deep Sea", and whats-more, more people have been there, it's the perfect place to hide big things as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio