
David Granha - The Liver (Original Mix) [Suara]

some researchers suspect, that that excessive natural production of dmt, and other related substances by the human body processes, may be the cause of schizophrenia, and other psychotic conditions, but they are misguided, by their own experiences and dogma's, as their studies had mixed results, one study found, that dmt levels usually went up or down, in psychiatric patients depending on outbreaks of psychotic behaviour, (der no shit), and their return to normalcy, (whatever that is), but the changes, did not always match, the patients conditions, (meaning they got it wrong), in addition psychologically normal persons, that suffer from a disease of, "the liver", can have dmt levels, as high as someone who is psychotic, also Spiritual experiences can be confused, with psychotic and dissociative symptoms, being frequently a challenge, for the differential diagnosis 115 randomly selected spiritualist mediums active in spiritualist centres in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were interviewed based on the Self-Report Psychiatric Screening Questionnaire (SRQ) as well as the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS). Those mediums identified by the SRQ as probably having mental disorders (n = 12) and a control group (12 subjects randomly selected, among the remaining 103 mediums) were interviewed using the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) and the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Ncuropsychiatry (SCAN). It was also made a wide revision in the literature, to identify proposed criteria for a differential diagnosis, between spiritual experiences and mental disorders, in which 135 articles identified in the research in PubMed were examined. Results: Mediums reported high level of psychotic and dissociative experiences, such as frequent auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as experiences of influence, such as insertion of thoughts, and feelings, However, these experiences were not correlated to other markers of mental disorders, such as scores on social adjustment, other psychiatric symptoms, and history of childhood abuse The sample had a high socio-educational level, a low prevalence of mental disorders, and was socially well adjusted. This group presented a lower prevalence of mental disorders, than the general population. It seems that psychotic or dissociative experiences, are not necessarily symptoms of mental disorders. Certain features, may suggest a non-pathological basis, for the experience: lack of suffering or functional impairment, short duration of the experience, critical attitude, (to have doubts about the reality, of the experience), compatibility with the patient's cultural background, absence of comorbidities, (the presence of one or more additional diseases, or disorders, co-occurring with (that is, concomitant or concurrent with) a primary disease or disorder; in the countable sense of the term, a comorbidity, (plural comorbidities), is each additional disorder or disease), control over the experience, and personal growth over time. Conclusion, Spiritual experiences may be related to psychotic and dissociative experiences, which are not necessarily related to mental disorders as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

SMOKI - Higher

i have to laugh. when they keep on pushing, the use of Ayahuasca, as a sole means of entering, the altered states of consciousness, when really, they are clearly just trying to get, "higher", than a giraffe on stilts, while it may have some effects, they are no different, from being off your swede, on l.s.d or any other, hallucinogenic substance, anyone can get to an altered state, just by listening to music, the natural way, the shaman's drums are an integral part, of the Ayahuasca ceremony, without the rhythmic beat, to keep your mind tethered to your body, you would just be tripping as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Sllash & Doppe - Yemen

you know, the sheer amount of government funded programs, of gathering useless information, sometimes leaves me, lacking in a state of, "yemen", (felicity, the ability to find appropriate expression, for one's thoughts), is a complete whitewash, and utterly deplorable, they don't actually do them, they take the money and write, whatever they want, like the section 5 paragraph that is titled, The universe in an atom: Quantum/fractal self-similarity in yoga, perception, and cosmology page 164 section 5. Experiential Approaches 252 http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/ADA547476.pdf, even the title of this paper has been ripped off, from the title of HH the Dalai Lama's book, which begins with a quotation, from the Buddhist scripture. The Great Flower Ornament, In each atom of the realms of the universe. There exist, vast oceans of world systems, (basically it;'s just saying, that we live in a multidimensional reality), This idea resonates with the fundamental alchemical yoga idea, of microcosm/macrocosm homo-logy, (Douglas. Chakra 1970-1. Voll: 25), as well as. quite intriguingly. with cutting-edge developments in astrophysical/cosmological theory, (Oldershaw. First Crisis in Cosmology Conference CCC-I: 1-3): and this essential principle of fractal self-similarity across scales, has also recently been demonstrated, to generally play an integral role, in human perception, (Billock et al. Physica D 148: 136-46). This paper goes beyond a general consideration, of these resonances to consider the radical idea, that advanced alchemical, or Indo-Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist yoga meditation, may provide an 'interface', for the physical/cosmological and the human sensory-perceptual realms. This potential interface, is mapped out by a new neuroscientific/quantum physical model, (Bushell. Annals of NY Academy of Sciences 1172: 348f; Bushell et al. in preparation), which claims that certain advanced yogic/meditation practices, may transform sensory-perceptual systems, through an intensive process, of neuroplastically-mediated perceptual learning, to a new and unexpectedly radical threshold, of perceptual access/awareness, or if you can cut through the psychobabble, it means, yoga will not increase perceptual learning it, but will just heighten the awareness, that you already have, and give you a new perspective as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Mirko & Meex - Harare

you know, if the rest of the world knew, what i know, and had seen, what i have seen, then they would try to make sure, "Harare", (They never sleep), ever again as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Matras - Juka

you know, i think it's high time we, "yuka", (remember), just who we really are, these fleshy constructs, arent really us, we are the spark of divine energy, that lives within the consciousness, of the soul as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Lexlay - Screaming

you know the world is, "screaming", out for us to stop, what we are doing, most people are unaware that the planet, and the whole of reality is a kind of life form, one could even make the analogy, that it's like a pet dog, you take care of it, clean it, groom it, feed it, and show love to the dog, and the dog, will love you back, and will protect you, to the very end, however if you mistreat it, (which i highly recommend, you never do), it will bite you, or if you allow it, to be come infested, it will scratch the itch, and attempt to cleanse itself, and in the analogy, we can be either the flea, or the kind owner, i know which i am, do you?, you should as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Karsten Sollors - Break

you know, when i tell you, the things i know, it is not to, "break", heart and shatter the illusion, of the free-world, (where 97% of the populations, are slaves, in either the physical sense or mental), it's to help you, from your knees to your feet, and give you the strength of courage, so you can break, your own chains, and free others, from this false reality as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

GABRIN - Get Down

ammmmmmmmmm back, mo fo's, with a little pre-flight entertainment, so if you would like, to make your way, to the v.i.p lounge, while i go complete, the flight checks, and you know sometimes, you just have to, "get down", to get up, that Mountain as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio


Me & Her - Starbust (Original Mix) [Suara]

you knew, i had to give you, one more, right?, and now it's time, for me to, "starburst", as i go, on my own solo journey, to the place, where the dreams are made, up and out, second star to the right, and straight on, 'till morning, and with that, I AM out as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) peace

Caiiro - Ancestors

well peep's, it's just about that time, when i go meet the, "ancestors", (a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom, one is descended), as i go on my own, solo journey and sail on a river of light, so i hope you, enjoyed all the track's,(lol), as much as me as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio
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