
LNH - The Party (Original Mix)

well peep's, i can smell the summit, we're so close, we can almost start, "the party", it's just a shame, there isn't much time left, for free roam mode, maybe we'll get a go, for a launch window tomorrow as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Miss Babayaga DJ, DJ Josh Blackwell - Music 16 (Original Mix) [Go Deeva ...

when the time, is like the, "music 16", tick tock as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Marlena Shaw - Woman Of The Ghetto (Catz 'n Dogz Remix) [Pets Recordings]

you know we're all the same, we all have hopes and dreams, it's just some, are easier than others to attain, life can be unkind and unfair, like the dream of a, "woman of the ghetto", hoping she could be, a ballet dancer, and being forced, to be a pole dancer instead, to pay the bills, not that there is anything wrong with it, we do only, what we have to, it's just, if it's not your dream, then you shouldn't settle for less, than what you want, or deserve as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Rob Toca & Lazarusman - Moya Wami (Floyd Lavine Remix)

you know, i know that, "Moya Wami", (My Spirit), will go on for ever, from here and back to the source, it's a feeling like being home, a complete connection, to the singularity as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Emi Galvan - Flowing

you know, all energy and time and motion is, "flowing", in a cyclical curve, looping back around on itself, with a twist into infinity, like a cosmic Möbius strip, doubling back in on itself, forever looping into a  never ending cycle, of fuckery and counter fuckery as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Marco Grosso - El Vibe (Jay de Lys Remix)

well peep's, i can tell from, "the vibe", that we are still alive, or at least i think we are, or are we just, the feverish, cheese dream's of the dormouse?, who know's, but perhaps it is better, if we do, as it said and feed our heads as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Felipe G - La Oca (Original Mix) [Be Color Music]

here's an easy way, to think of it, if you wanted some nice fat poultry, for Christmas dinner, or just lunch, you wouldn't just force feed them, (the birds), at the last minute, and hope they get fat, (even though some gross non-peep's, consider it a kind of delicacy, but thats is just because, they are sick twisted individuals), they put more grain and foods out, and that way, "La Oca", (the goose), will eat more over time, gaining the weight naturally, while said poultry farmer, has to do nothing more, than put out more food, there's always a reason for everything as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ernest Oh - Function (Gasc Remix) [Milk Crate]

what if i told you, that each and everyone of us, has a specific, "function", (an activity or purpose, natural to or intended for a person, or thing, dependent on another factor or factors), the universe or this reality, how ever you want to term it, is exceedingly good at saving energy, it is a master, at getting the desired effect, with expending as little energy, as possible to do it, so we are not here, by chance or randomness or happy accident, there is a reason for everything as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Bombossa Brothers - Brum (Original Mix) [Twisted Fusion]

ammmmmmmmmm back mo fo's, for part 2, of our epic journey, into the unknown realms, of rhythm and bass, and i'm ready, to weave a little more mental, "brum", (Illusion, a thing that is or is likely, to be wrongly perceived or interpreted, by the senses), to tease and tantalise, those beat receptors as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Thomas Evans - Abyssal Power (Original Mix)

well peep's, it's time for me to go, and fill my chasm of, "abyssal power", with a traditional home prepped and cooked English dish , chicken Korma, (lol), so i'll be, right back as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio