
Brown Sneakers - Preacher

you should be careful, whom you follow on the road to awe, even the devil, can appear as an angel of light, or a preacher, while secretly seeking the ruination of life, so i say, don't trust word's, no matter how eloquent or flattering, trust in the valour of deeds, and glory of positive actions as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Babis Del - Deepah (Original mix) [Ortega LTD]

well peep's, it's been a long day, and I've been posting, faster than the flash on speed, so i'm going to take a short break, and re-engage the blaze, and when i come back, we can get, "deepah", (deeper), into the groove as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

SB(UK) - What You Need (Original Mix) [Carypla Records]

you know, i may not give you, exactly what you want, but i will always give you precisely, "what you need", to keep on going on, and movin' forwards as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Oz Romita - Curacao (Original Mix) [Exit 32]

ignore the haterz, they probably had, too much, "Curacao", (a liqueur flavoured with the peel of bitter oranges), and it left them twisted up, like they ate a whole bag of tangfastic sours as, standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio

Shosho, Peppou - Catun (Richard Cleber Remix) [Tulipa Recordings]

don't panic, if they say, your one pig, short of a, "Catun", (hamlet), for the rest is silence as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Mr. Hugo - Spacewalk (Remix) [Basswalk Records]

you know there are lot's, of strange inconsistencies in the, "spacewalk", footage from the ISS, one of the biggest and most obvious, is the perspective, the height of the ISS, no matter how far out from Earth, can not see over the horizon, as with viewing any sphere, at any distance you can only see it, after it has crossed over the horizon, not before, also considering the size of the camera, and it's documented low earth orbit height, it should never be able to see, the outside curvature of the planet, as the planet is huge, and the ISS orbits very close to it, if you take an orange or Apple any fruit or object, roughly that size will do, then the ISS would be orbiting it closer than 1 mm from its surface, meaning it is impossible to capture the views and images they do without heavily manipulating or out right faking it, but they have made the classic mistake, of showing what they think, we want to see, instead of all those swarms of light, zooming in every direction, and at incredible speed as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Little Large - Bobowa (Original Mix) [NastyFunk Records]

we may not be able, to directly change the past, but we can defo change, the course of, "Bobowa", (tomorrow), and future history as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Scott James, Jimmy Strip - Gotta Make This (Original Mix) [Set About]

you know, all of us we, "gotta make this", count for all, is at stake as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Lee Van Dowski, Bastian Bux - Ban This (Original Mix) [Bedrock Records]

first they tried to, slow me down, then they tried to, limit my post reach, then they flat out, started stealing my likes and interactions, as i tested it out to confirm, i had a few peep's on it, liking each post and i and they watched as they were unliked, right in front of their faces, but theres one thing, i do know is, they can never, "ban this", i'll just change the playing field, to a more even one, fb is trash, and should be binned, it's a government spyware tool, thats why, it's so heavily endorsed, and is installed on most digital devices as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio