
Ektor Eros - Vocorder (Original Mix)

you know, i just tell you it how it is, the truth, you don't need a, "vocorder", (a synthesizer that produces sounds, from an analysis of speech input. 1930s: from voice + code + -er), or a degree in astrophysics, to work it out and understand, what i tell you as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Ektor Eros - Capogiro (Original Mix)

sorry about that, i had to drop some wisdom, on the sweeds of the trolls, who trawl the you-tubes comment section, and try to immediately ruin it, for everyone else, by trying to enforce, their dogmatic belief system's, upon other's, i swear they are the types, who if you could manually speed up, the earth, to cause mass, "Capogiro ", (dizziness), they would blame it on, a undigested bit of cheese, they are totally, sucking the mainstream media sack as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Stefano Crabuzza - Fluid (ATRIEA Remix) [HIPPIES]

you know, the human rights treaty, is in your interests, and covers the whole, "fluid", range of your liberties and rights, and is there to keep you covered and protected, yet they have been busy, burying it to make you feel, like you have no rights, when in fact it is the government, that has no rights, being a non natural entity, it is you and me and everyone, who is the natural person, (In jurisprudence, a natural person is a person in legal meaning. i.e., one who has its own legal personality, that is an individual human being, as opposed to a legal person, which may be a private, i.e., business entity or non-governmental organisation, or public, i.e., government organisation. Historically, a human being, was not necessarily a natural person, in some jurisdictions, where a slave was a thing subject of a property right, rather than a person. and we all have the right to freedom, In many cases, fundamental human rights are implicitly granted only to natural persons. For example, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states a person cannot be denied the right to vote based on their biological sex, or Section Fifteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees equality rights, apply to natural persons only), meaning the biological entity, that is you, but a piece of paper, with your name on it, that is a corporation and does not mean you, learn your rights, and use them as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Jose Zalatan - Sativa (Original Mix)

everything they do, is to suit their plans, and their purposes, even down to the legalisation, of certain previously illegal strains of, "sativa", (A Sativa is a type of marijuana/plant that will typically produce, a euphoric, energetic, cerebral high. and is very hard to grow indoors), it's not because they think, it can be beneficial to the species, and feel sorry, for those in pain, it's because they want you, to be docile, and to stay sleeping, and make you easy to control, and to not question, their so called authority, a prime example is the fact, that they have been imprisoning people for ages, for possession of marijuana, but now they are actively profiting from it it's ok, and may i add, they make those dispensaries pay their taxes in cash, so they can skim as much as they want, and change the tax records at their end accordingly, also it keep's them from being linked to selling and drug distribution charges, and drops it all back on the dispensaries owner, and let us not forget they are now selling marinol which is basically pharmaceutical tweaked marijuana oil, and that is still illegal, as they use the active ingredient as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Oscar Poulsen - Blanco Mate (Original Mix)

you see i have been feeding you, highly accurate and sensitive information, and whether you choose to read it, and be enlightened or not, i left up to you, i dont actively tag anyone, or run ad campaigns, i want to do this, on my own merit, why anyone pays, for fake bot likes, and fake ad campaigns, is ridiculous, they arent real like's, they are add by fb programs, you don't even get to see, who they all are, unless you manually look, at the list, and run google reverse image search, on the profile pics, most are fake sock puppets accounts, (programmed fake profiles), a couple are meat puppets, (fb hq admin's, with thousands of accounts, all run by one or few person's), it like the digital voting booths that are being used in america, did you know at a recent tech convention they brought a whole barrage of types of the digital voting machines in and allowed them to try to wirelessly take control and change the votes in the system, have a guess how long it took for total control of the system, meaning all those voters who voted for the choice they made were switched to a vote of the hackers choice, 2 hours for total control of the device from start to finish, start being, never had their hands on one, to finish being, totally hacked, its what they do, the government has been using that exact method, to manipulate the polls, for a long time, and if you think i'm joking i can post the video footage its no secret its online, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p4mXCn470s,and knowing that the machines can be hacked guess what the government has done, thats right, NOTHING, they are still using those machines in certain states, giving them a, "Blanco Mate", (Matte white), slate to do as they want with, thereby throwing the democratic process, out of the window, your votes count for nothing, do not vote for them, even make it public knowledge, who you voted for, who cares, it's not like they can do anything about it, and so what if you voted for the non mainstream it is your right to choose, a free and fair system as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Lucien Jack - Ripper (Saul Antolin Remix)

you know, i don't want or like to be the, "ripper", away of false realities, and illusions, but no one, is doing a thing!!, not even President of the United Nations, Miroslav Lajčák, (Pán prezident, prečo nevykonávate mierovú zmluvu a zmluvy o ľudských právach? Prečo dovolíte, aby trpaslíci (ľudia) sveta trpeli, prosím vás, prosím vás, aby ste túto záležitosť riešili skôr, ako sa stane neskoro, a nezvratný osud Celý život na zemi, prosím), why won't they do anything!!, to stop the trade's, or enforce the treaty on human right's, some even go as far, as aiding them in subverting the treaties, now unless, we do something pro-active, nothing will change and our children, and our children's children, will be condemned to a fate worse, than you can even contemplate, i would tell you, but it would only serve, to frighten you, and that isn't what i'm about, i want to change the course of future history, to side step, that whole mind enslaved nightmare, and the rest i dare not even think, too far into, as it is very bleak, can you imagine, being the last handful of humans, in the galaxy?, an endangered species?, hunted and killed, on sight?, not for your own actions, but from the actions of those, who claim to represent, the human species as a whole, (when they only represent, their own selfish and greedy interests), see i know, even now these words i write, will have been read by some rather worried people, (non-peep's), and they know, i am right, but they are scared to change, as it involves getting rid, of everything they know, (even though, it's killing them), we see it every day people die from drink, drugs, overindulgence, suicide, and all manner of self destructive behaviours, and all that can be avoided, and those lives could have been saved, spared, and lived, if only they were shown, more love, and more compassion in their live's, for some it would have been as simple, as a friendly hello in the street, others all it would require, would be a hug, and some require to hear those few Little words, it will be OK, you are loved, thats all peep's really need, and anything else can be fixed and dealt with, love can cross all boundaries, bridge all divisions, and unify all life, love see's no colour as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Oscar Poulsen - Dealers Street (Original Mix)

next issue to tackle government un-accountability, their total non transparency, and their illegal arms, drugs and human trafficking trade, (and they do), it's not the, "dealers street", runner's that are the problem it's the governments, is they think they, are above the law, when they are not, they should in fact be bound, even more so to set the example, of what they try, to enforce upon the peep's, how do you think, all the tons and tons, of drugs and illegal weapons, get into a country?, when we all have naval patrols, and coast guards, and even sonar sweep nets for the mini subs, (they do like to use them), low level radar, and the rest?, it's because they ship it in, like they were doing with the contra's, i would like to draw your attention, to the latest, disgusting movie, to come out of the, c.i.a division of Hollywood, that they use to show you, what they are doing, but paint it in a light, that suits their national interest, the new movie with Scientologist nutter, T.C where they have basically, taken the film lord of war, (another disgusting movie, glorifying killing and greed), and had the lead role, change to being the pilot, as well as a drug smuggling, gun running, c.i.a operative, now you may think, this is just a movie, and far from the realms of reality, but it isn't, it is quite accurate, obviously apart from the waffle, (movie lines), but the illicit trade, which it depicts, is quite real, they even traffic in children, and the more people, turn a blind eye to it, or go and watch these movies, and buy their product's, the more money they make from it, and the more they will do it, and in doing so, you become complicit, to the fact and is as good as condoning it, wake up as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Yory - Your Love Keeps (Original Mix)

ammmmmmmmmm back, mo fo's, with a little pre-flight entertainment, so if you would like, to make your way, to the v.i.p lounge, then i can go complete the flight checks, and we can begin to get our groove on, you know it's, "your love keeps", me moovin' and grooovin' as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Lau Frank - Disclosed (Original Mix)

well peep's, i did try to tell you, i always, "disclosed", the truth to you, and now i'm sadly proved right,the British .red cross collected for the people and victims of grenfell 4.9 million pounds from the people of Britain to supposedly give it, to the people and the victims families, of grenfell i told you, do not give them money, go down, give them food, clothing anything, but giving money to a faceless corporate entity, and from their own words, all the people are going to get is a poxy ten grand, they have used all of your emotions and sympathy and empathy and stolen the money, they claim there were around 200 people in tower and they're paying out 200,000 out of 4.9 million, and that was collected by the red fucking cross, dont you understand its all lies and deception, like the so called terrorist, they were home funded by the government, to scare the sheeple to the voting booth, those armed police, that were walking about, it wasn't because, they were on the look out for terrorist, (as if they wear a big sign), its because they were expecting, fucking riot's, i  told you, at the time, i proved they were faking news, i have told you all, time and time again, and every single time, i am right, and i don't like to be, believe me, i would sooner have been proven wrong, and looked foolish, than predict that a national and global crime syndicate, that has been using terrorist acts, around the globe to further their dirty agenda's, and raking the profits in, where was all the money from the arianne grande concert?, like i said, in their pockets wake the fuck up people, we need to get  rid of these fucking elitist scum bags, who think it is appropriate, to murder innocent women, men, and children, so they can get rich, wake up!!, theres not much time left, i implore you, wake up, before america drags us all, into a world war, as they have been trying to pick a fight, with everyone, so they destabilise the rest of the world, so they can sell more weapons, bombs and bullets, tanks helicopters and the rest, and may i add it is illegal to sell weapons or commit any act, that harms or kills anyone, regardless of government status, under UN human rights treaty, their all war profiteering, and they are trying to start another war, i read an interesting thing, the other day, american peep's, you should listen, this is for you, there is a document in circulation, called global trends it outline the plans of your government, for the next 25 years, and they plan to crash wall street, and transfer all the business to India, where the labour is dirt cheap, and the laws are pretty much non existent for banking, you should have a think, and a good clear out asap, and depose the would be dictator, before they try to push further south as, standardz, hahahahaha, :( #edio
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