
Catz 'N Dogz - It's Happening

i know many of the non-peep's, who don't follow, my other pages through Fb, probably think, i'm bonkerz, and that the thing's, i tell you don't exist, well i shall enlighten you, the truth is, "it's happening", i wish lying, i wish it was that simple, then you me everybody would all be safe, but the thing is, i am privy, to a lot of highly sensitive materials, i post thing like oh say like this, (http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20121109132656/http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/D628D7CA-0863-4913-89A1-A76EB335587B/0/uap_vol2_pgs1to15.pdf), well worth the time, to read, it reveals quite a bit, and if your some what empathic, you can even, read between the lines, of section 6 section 9 19 and 25 also i have, many such technical manuals, they are, very revealing, to say the least as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Krut - Zero Zero (Original Mix)[ BeatFreak Recordings]

similarly The Ten Codes, are a list of codes, used by law enforcement officers, in the United States.The codes were developed initially, in 1937 and were expanded in 1974. The California Police, use a variety of extra codes, which predated the ten codes. For example, a 187, one eighty-seven, means homicide. In the ten codes system, a 10-31 means that a crime is in progress, a 10-27-1 means homicide, (the 10 is usually not said, when it is a three-number sequence), and a 10-00 ten, "zero zero", means officer down, all patrols respond as. standardz, hahahaha, :) #edio

Victor Calderone & Mike Frade - Dr. Greenthumb [Waveform Recordings]

when you, hear the paging, "dr greenthumb", we all know, what it means, but did you know, Doctor Brown, is a code word, often used in hospitals, to alert security staff, to a threat to personnel. If a nurse or doctor, is in danger from a violent patient, or non-staff member, they can page, Doctor Brown to their location, and the security staff will rush to their aid. In some hospitals, code silver, is used to refer to a person, with a weapon, and code Gray can mean a violent person, without a weapon. Hospitals have, a huge array of various codes, to describe all manner of situations. They often differ, from hospital to hospital, and they are usually not internationally recognised, but if you ever hear a, time check. announced in most buildings, i would g.t.f.o as a time check, refers to a bomb, or a time critical event as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Tale Of Us - Winds Of Change (CUT EDIT)

time to spread your wings, and  rise up like the phoenix, and fly on the, "winds of change", time to plot a course and engage, and commit to the course of action, of changing the world, unless we do something to change it, we are a doomed species, the resources are not being managed, to the benefit of the peep's, of the world, only to benefit those with the cash, and the way they are destroying the environment by dumping nuclear waste, surreptitiously claiming to be storing it deep underground, and really just dumping it, in the ocean, or in very shallow pit's, and placing concrete slabs over it, and then, there is the, tons and tons, and tons, of radioactive particles, they are spraying above us, to make us sick, did you know 6 out of every ten people alive today, will have some form of cancer in their lifetime, and these figures only increase, over time, they are purposefully doing it, they don't have camp's, like they did in the past, no concentration camps, are far too ineffective, so they spray radioactive particles above us, and poison our food and water supply, and no i don't do lie's, for them to do this, is not only disgraceful but monstrous, and as such, they should be dragged, from their offices of power, kicking and screaming, stripped of all assets, then a nice tattoo on them easy to see, so they can be seen in public, and they can't hide, their shame, and dump their, naked asses in the street, with nothing and nowhere to go, and that is doing them, a kindness, compared to what they are doing, to us as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Alejandro Vivanco - Creacion (Original Mix)

you know the Earth, wasn't always like this, in the beginning of, "Creacion". (Creation), it as a beautiful paradise, free from care, an worry, and diseases, and poverty, they didn't even, have hatred, only love and peace, and then one day, men were convinced of their right, to have more and the greed and emptiness, of the hollow, entered into their hearts, and inevitably war came, and wiped man back, to a stone age level of technology, this cycle has happened, again and again, because of the actions of the few, who refuse, to see the error of their ways, and lead the minds of the people astray, and they refuse to acknowledge, that their actions, have far reaching and wider spreading implications, on themselves and those around them, who they love, than they would like to admit, do not doom us, to repeat this cycle again and again, make the change, if you have the power, to do something, you have a moral obligation, to do so, under UN treaty, failure to act to protect life, or commit to a course of action, that harms, is a crime as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Alex Kenji - Latch (Original Club Mix)

i suppose it's too late to, "latch", the gate, before that particular horse bolts as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Konflicted Soul - Weak Moments (Original Mix) [SONAR BY NIGHT & DAY 2017...

well peep's that my, "weak moments", dealt with for now, these pesky bodies, require so much maintenance, why do we need to eat?, not a biological question, i know the answer to that (because we are addicts), i mean, what was the first human thinking? ,ohhhh whats this pain, in my guts?? ooow ow eeeeeeahhhhhh, i wonder if, i put this bit of an animal, inside me, will it fight it out, with what ever is inside and win?, let's find out, if only they could have foreseen, the horror of their legacy, they would no doubt, have gone back to the highlands and the forests, and lived off of berry's and fruits, and mushrooms, and all the natural bounty, of the Earth as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Chris Main - Wasabi (Original Mix) [SONAR BARCELONA 2017 Happy Techno Mu...

when you want something, with a little kick, but it defo isn't, "Wasabi", (a Japanese plant, with a thick, green root that tastes, like strong horseradish, and is used in cooking, especially in powder or paste form, as an accompaniment, to raw fish{errrrrr vom}), i'm not being funny but i wouldn't eat anything that come's from the sea for the next 20-30 years assuming, that we can undo, all the damage, and pollution as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio