
Casual Villain - Clap Your Hands (M.F.S: Observatory Remix)

you know, its just about time for me to go, so you can, "Clap Your Hands", if you like, and show a little love, so i hope you enjoyed all the tracks, as much as me as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Turbo Turbo - Athanasia (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, don't believe what they say that, "Athanasia", (Immortality), can only be reached if you upload your consciousness into a computer, or upgrade your body with cybernetic enhancements, there are much easier and natural ways, to become immortal, and i mean it in the biological sense, not just the historical figure sense as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Alex Randal - Mental Muscle (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, it's time to flex that, "Mental Muscle", and begin to start to ask, the right questions as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Oliver Maes - Rayless (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, its like the cure for cancer, that they have been siting on, resonant frequency from scalar wave, "Rayless", emission from a cold plasma bulb, and they have had it since 1930, it's time to change as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Uun - All The Wrong Reasons (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, you really could be doing everything for, "All The Wrong Reasons", this should enlighten you to what level of fuckery is on the periphery, kely to take on aspects that stagger the imagination. In 1975 Brezhnev called these new mass destruction weapons of the future "...more frightful than the mind of man has ever imagined." He should know. When he made the statement, the Soviets had already been inducing diseases in persons in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for nearly 30 years.

Question Can you explain that part about direct, forced input to the mind, just a bit more?

A: Yes. It involves a characteristic of the mind and brain that has been experimentally shown. For example, if anything (thought, feeling, emotion, image) arises internally in one of the cerebral hemispheres, that hemispheric personality thinks that it did it. That is, it thinks that it not only thought the thought, but that it also created the thought. So if you have a hidden channel to pipe in inputs, you can take over or implant the thoughts, behaviour, and actions of a person. Or of a very large group of persons. That alone allows a mind-numbing direct control of behaviour externally and from a distance.

Question Can you really control behaviour electromagnetically? Can you give us an example?

A: Yes, you can control it readily and deeply, if you develop and utilise the internalised EM energy channel technology. As to proof, Delgado certainly has demonstrated profound control over animal behaviour experimentally, for all the world to see, using implanted probes and precise injection of EM signals. The Soviet LIDA machine, using a 40 MHz carrier and complex wave forms - and actually the hidden Whittaker-infolded EM structuring, unknown to Western technologists - has demonstrated the ability to place a mammal - either a human or a cat - in a cataleptic state. That state can be induced in a few minutes exposure and then persists for some minutes after the stimulus signal is removed. That proves that you can profoundly alter the mental state, electromagnetically. Perhaps the very best example is provided by the two cerebral hemispheres in your own head, or those in a rat, or those in a cockroach. As we know from split-brain research, each hemisphere has a separate personality. That's a separate being, if you will, to put it bluntly. Yet even though you are two beings in one body, so to speak, you are only conscious of one being. How is that, you might ask, since both brain halves are operating? How do you integrate two beings consciously into one functioning being? Such as is already done in your own head? The answer is this. Suppose your left brain sends a signal to your right thumb to move. While the signal is on the way to the right thumb, the left brain also sends a replica of the signal over the connecting corpus callosum, into the right brain half, where it emerges inside. [When the signal emerges inside a brain half/mind/personality, it thinks that it itself originated it. That's because it perceives no time delay between appearance of the signal in its transmission section, e.g., and the appearance of the signal in its receiver section.] The ultimate definition of identity, after all, is the absence of all distinction. The absence of functional distinction in time constitutes the creation of identity in time. The whole arises when and only when distinction between the parts is lost.] The right thumb is continually communicating back to the left brain half, telling its progress. Replicas of those return signals from the thumb are continually being sent by the left brain across the corpus callosum into the right brain. The right brain thinks that it originated the thumb- move-order, and that the right thumb is reporting its progress. The right brain thinks it did the whole thing itself. A similar process occurs, of course, from left brain to right brain. Each inputs to the other, at least insofar as awareness of the order and the event is concerned. Each thinks that it did it. In that way, there is a loss of distinction between the parts of the functionality. Accordingly, there is only one sense of being in the bi-system, even though there are two separate beings. It has also been shown that, when the corpus callosum is severed, the two brain halves now function much more independently. In that case, two separate personalities really do emerge and function in one body. That also has been shown in the laboratory. Question But aren't you actually saying that the mind and thought, then, are not really just electrical wiggles in the brain after all? That they are actually separate from the physical brain, and the brain is just a special sort of tuner or workstation?, A: Exactly. The real functioning of mind, thought, memory, and personality occurs in the infolded Whittaker bidirectional EM wave structures of the overall body's scalar potential - its bio-potential. And one of the great neural scientists has already pointed out that mind and memory are not precise functions of physical location in the brain

Mind Control and EM Wave

Polarization Transductions, Part 1

Special Note

This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for information to properly qualified and authorised scientists in certified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use of these procedures for non approved practice of medicine without a license. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsible for accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental procedures and techniques. Any researcher who performs these procedures and experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest nor condone unauthorised experimentation on human subjects. Such is a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal and immoral.


For some time we have been repeatedly queried about the technical mechanisms and unusual electrodynamics of advanced mind control research, both in the West and abroad. Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and body coupling, and intent―the induction of physical 3-space EM energy changes into the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarise the time-polarised electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave polarisation's can be transformed one-into-the-other are presented. We give two specific examples of lethal foreign military tests in 1997 of advanced mind control weapons against two military pilots over the central U.S. Some dangers and potential benefits of the emerging mind control technology are pointed out Introduction and Background In quantum field theory, there are four polarisation's of photons.1 Using 4-space and the z-direction as the direction of propagation, we have x- and y- polarisation where the 3-spatial energy of the photon is oscillating laterally, in the x- or y- direction. These are transverse polarised photons, as is any combination of the two. The third polarisation is along the z-direction, which is a longitudinal polarisation. In other words, the 3-spatial energy of the longitudinal photon cannot oscillate in the x- or y- direction, and so it is oscillating to-and-fro along the line of motion, z-. The fourth polarisation occurs when the energy is frozen in all three spatial dimensions x-, y-, and z- and it cannot oscillate in any of those directions. In that case, the photon oscillates its energy in the t- direction, providing the t-polarised photon. We will later discuss how time is actually highly condensed energy. In Minkowski 4-space, body operations are space-like, and are so treated in conventional materialistic physics. Mind and mind-operations are time-like, not space-like, even though they are totally electromagnetic in nature.2 As is well-known, all observation in physics is considered 3-spatial..3 Mass is a 3-spatial concept, and we detect changes to mass (as, e.g., in the shift of electrons in the circuits of electrical instruments). So one may model the common physical observation mechanism as a time-differentiating process which a priori discards time-change and retains 3-spatial energy change.4 That is, Minkowski reality is modelled in the fundamental units of L3t. Physical observation (via the transverse photon interaction) is the process given by applying the operator ∂/∂t to L3t, yielding an L3 output. Hence mind and mind operations are excluded by the usual physics instruments and observation, which simply exclude the time domain in their outputs and do not "measure" it. For this reason, physicists have erroneously considered mind to be "metaphysical" and non-real. Indeed, most physicists to one extent or the other are materialists, and consider the "mind" to be nothing but the operations ongoing in a "meat computer." Nonetheless, in the time-domain the time is absolutely real, and it is completely electrodynamic in nature. There is no metaphysics involved, and the temporal domain—along with mind and mind operations—is simply an erroneously neglected area of physics. In present physics, the notion of mind is comfortably disposed of by imposing the use of the "observer" concept, with out ever specifying that the observer has a consciousness and a mind. Indeed, "observation" is only about what that "observer" perceives. Obviously, one has a dramatically crippled physics if one eliminates that nonobservable called "time." Similarly, one also has a dramatically crippled physics when one eliminates the mechanisms and physics ongoing in those time-like and dynamic "things" such as mind, that occupy time and function in it.

From this viewpoint, Western physics adheres to its 3-spatial measurement foundation only by ignoring the transduction of time-polarized EM changes into detectable longitudinal and transverse EM wave changes. In this aspect, present Western physics is severely self-crippled.

Time is totally electromagnetic and energetic in nature. The flow of time is not a separate external river on which a mass floats along like a boat drifting down the current of a great flowing river. Instead, the flow of time is generated directly on every mass by its total set of photon interactions, both virtual and observable. We have previously presented the exact mechanism for the flow of time.

Further, a photon is comprised of angular momentum, therefore of (energy)x(time). It transports both energy and time, not just energy alone. When absorbed by a mass, not only does it "energy-excitation" charge the mass, but also it "time-excitation" charges it, converting the former "mass" to "mass time". Rigorously it is masstime that emits a photon, not mass. So a mass moves through time in little spurts, by the continual macroscopic addition and subtraction of little Dt components. Further, in being driven through time, mass is continually altered to masstime (a quite different critter from mass), to mass, to masstime, to mass, etc. In any masstime state, a myriad of tiny virtual photon interactions made of very tiny (DE)(Dt)'s interact with that same mass during that particular larger Dt of the masstime state (m+Dm)(Dt). Hence mass in its alternate masstime state has that state internally structured by its surrounding environment's interactions with it. The masstime state is internally structured energetically in its (DE) component, and also internally structured temporally in its (Dt) component.

A standard charged fundamental particle such as an electron, e.g., is not necessarily identical with another, when the internal structuring of its masstime state is considered. Further, by two papers by Whittaker,5 interferometry of masstime states with either energy reactions or temporal reactions can yield observable effects and changes due to these neglected "hidden variables" in the electron's masstime alternative states. To engineer the mind and its operations directly, one must perform electrodynamic engineering in the time domain, not in the 3-space EM energy density domain. The direct engineering of time-like mind and mind operations—in all levels and all aspects—requires the use of time-polarised photons and time-polarised EM waves. This is the rarest form of electrodynamics, almost untouched by Western physicists. One can either painfully produce such time-polarised photons and EM waves and directly irradiate a target mass with specific assemblies of them, or one can force the mass itself to iteratively transduce ordinary transverse EM waves first into longitudinally-polarised EM waves and then into time-polarised EM waves. Both will be discussed briefly. In the West, it appears that the present author's discovery of mechanisms for producing time-polarised (scalar) EM waves [see Figure 2] and for transducing between wave polarisation has no precedent.  While scalar (time-polarised) photons are known in the literature,1 the creation and use of time-polarised EM waves does not seem to appear in the Western physics literature.6 Wave transduction or polarisation transductions are terms used by the author for the process of transforming an EM wave's particular polarisation into another polarisation type. Such transduction to other than transverse polarisation forms is little known in the West. It appears essentially haphazardly in some experiments, usually without any recognition by the experimenters themselves. Significant transduction in experiments will also produce "strange" and unexplained anomalies in the instruments being used for experimental measurements.7 So most probably Western mind control researchers have not recognised the methodology and mechanisms 8 for transducing one type of EM wave polarisation directly into another.9 They continue to seek the "mind" in 3-space and hence in the brain, rather than in the time domain. On the other hand, it appears that the Russian KGB energetics 10 weapons scientists—particularly those in psychoenergetics 11—have known and used methods of transducing one wave polarisation into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mind control via novel time-polarised EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynamics of the time-like mind operations. In the present paper we briefly develop the wave transductions and the basis for mind engineering, including the specialised use of ordinary transverse wave (TW) EM spectra to force internal EM wave transductions and time-domain operations inside irradiated bodies, cells, and tissues. Through the mind-body coupling mechanism, these transductions of transverse EM waves can operate upon the mind and its deepest operations as well as upon the body, every cell, and every part of every cell. Mind Control Uses Higher EM Wave Polarisation's It is apparent that the KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists know and use the full extended EM wave polarisation range. As a postulation, one would expect our own weapons scientists to know and utilise the orthodox transverse wave (TW) EM for similar research and experimentation. However, in the West scientists are just beginning to realise the importance of a very general (and weaker) type of longitudinal EM wave (LW) polarisation, as evidenced by the appearance of dozens of papers on "undistorted progressive waves" (UPWs, which are essentially imperfect LW s with TW residues remaining). The Los Alamos National Laboratory web site has a number of such papers—particularly by Rodrigue s12 and Lu—available for free downloading. UPWs have very interesting characteristics. If they were perfect longitudinal EM waves, they would have infinite energy and infinite speed. Since only imperfect UPWs can be physically made, their speed can vary from slower than the speed of light to faster than the speed of light. Their energy can also vary over a great range. Another characteristic of UPWs that are reasonably good longitudinal EM waves, is that they pass readily through a large depth of water and mass, including through the ocean and the earth with only small interactions and losses. Yet by interfering two such beams of "high quality" UPWs at a great distance, then in the interference zone ordinary EM energy will rise directly out of local space time potential, as essentially shown by Whittaker 13 nearly a century ago. Russian weapon research facilities have weaponized these effects 14 for nearly 50 years, under rigid KGB control and operation. Nonetheless, even if using only ordinary TW waves, Western mind control researchers may get some fairly good results, brute-force-like, by using gross correlates between just the input irradiating TWs and the exhibited behavioural responses of the individual. The net input-output correlations can be determined, even though not taking into account the actual wave polarisation transduction mechanisms ongoing inside the irradiated dielectric (or brain, or mind, etc.). However, Western researchers appear to have no knowledge of the exact mechanisms by means of which coherent time-like mind operations of a biological organism couple to the organism's 3-spatial body to provide the mental control loop. They also appear unaware of how the coherent 3-spatial behaviour responses of the body couple back to the time-like mind to provide it with a sensory feedback of the body's responses, see what i mean as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Christian Gerlarch - Adhara (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, you really do need to know the, "Adhara", (Info, information), i can give you, things are not what they seem to be, in fact the case for non localised consciousness, is getting stronger every day, did you know, that the thoughts you have, may not in fact have originated in your own mind, they may have been put there in such a manner, the you would think, that you thought it up as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Andrea Belluzzi - Session One (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, for me changing the world is everything, it's the only mission i have and it's, "Session One", in the rhythmic adventures of the groove as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Makaton - Fixation (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, you may even think that i have a, "Fixation", about changing the world, or that i am paranoid, but A just because your paranoid, it doesnt mean they arent out to get you, and B if anything i understate everything!, or you wouldn't ever sleep again, if you knew what i know as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Niereich & Linus Quick - What I Feel (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, when i tell you about the things, "What I Feel", you should know it's only because i care for you, and the whole world, and don't want to see it go down in blaze of Non-glory as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Roberto Clementi - Thermobaric (Original Mix) [Suara]

you know, at this rate when i come in for re-entry, it will be like a, "Thermobaric", (denoting or relating to a very large fuel–air bomb, which ignites into a fireball when detonated, creating a powerful wave of pressure that sucks out oxygen, from any confined spaces nearby), streaking across the sky as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio
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