
Liquom - Ozono

you know, it's time for me to go ride on the lightening, as it creates its discharges arcing across the sky, which incidentally gives off, "Ozono", (Ozone, a colourless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odour and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen O2 in having three atoms in its molecule O3). which has the power to fix the so called, hole in the ozone layer, there is no hole per say, it's more of a thinning when compared to the surrounding gas concentrations, and now it's time for me to go, to the place where the dreams are made, up and out, second star to the right, and straight on, 'till morning, and with that, I AM out as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) #peace

Liquom - Satellite

you know, that recent launch of a so called car, well it was actually the launch of a directed energy weapon, "Satellite", system using scalar waves, and has been test firing, at various other satellites and parts of the globe causing un-natural catastrophes, it's time to see, what we can mentally projects its way and get rid of it as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Waitz - Keep On Dancin' (Original Mix)

you know, it's just about that time, when i go on my own solo journey, but for now i'll just turn up the heat and, "Keep On Dancin'", for now, it's time to blaze as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Steve Parry - Squidfist (Athea Remix)[Selador]

you know, only giving to receive, is like passing a blunt with a, "Squidfist", and keeping seven tentacles attached to it, it's not right!, charity is supposed to be exactly that, a random act of kindness, without the need for recompense, and to demonstrate goodwill towards your fellow human being, why must you get a reward, for all to see?, is it not enough to know, that you have done a good deed, and even if only you and the universe see, it's the right thing to do, it's called having integrity, and being a decent human being as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Premiere: OMNOM - Fo Free (Dirtybird)

you know, they can do all of it, "Fo Free", (For Free), if they were so inclined, but because it's not in their own immediate interests, they are happy to sit on it, and suppress the technology, free energy and perfect health is here, and we've had it for sometime as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Bassel Darwish - People Talking About (Original Mix)

you know, you may think it's just waffle, but there have been, "People Talking About", the use of scalar waves as weapon systems, created by most governments of the world, (defo non-peep types), for ages now, they have also been using scalar waves weaponized systems since mid 70's, i can post you  the links if you don't believe me, so they already have these systems, So why don't they use them to heal the world, instead of destroying it for a change, then we can all get on down, to the beat, it's time to groove as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Massimo Lippoli - Let It Ride (Original Mix)

you know, it's quite simple when you think about it, to fix everything all at once, we encode a positive harmonic resonant frequency, within pulsed transmissions of rf waves, such as a master tone for health, and then we, "Let It Ride", on the back of a scalar wave transmission, and given that it travels faster than light, to all point at once, by simply going around 3-space, and not violating any laws of physics, but still having the ability to interact with matter everywhere at once we could just cure all disease in one swoop, why do we not already have this tech, for us all?, when i havnt got anywhere near the amount of resources or equipment, apart from the mind, and i manage to think of these things before they do ffs as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Padai - Iglu

you know, we all have our own unique little bubble of energy around us, it's gives us a kind of, "Iglu", (an Eskimo hut; usually built of blocks of sod or snow in the shape of a dome), effect the insulation provided by walls of snow on a body due to the air pockets within it which keeps the temperature from dropping below zero degrees as well as protects you from wind chill, except this is from you whole body scalar potential, it interacts with other scalar waves and depending upon the wave received it can be either harmful or beneficial, it could be used to heal you even repair your limbs if you had lost them, scalar wave technology has a very great potential if it is applied correctly as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

LOM - Modulation

you know, all things are made, from three unique pieces of matter which are 2 individual & flexible magnetic spectrum currents, and the neutral particles of matter, in a state of, "Modulation", (to attune to a certain pitch or key., to vary the volume of tone), it requires harmonic resonance to create friction and heat to bind it together, and make the initial energy required for the manifesting of said matter, it's time to grind as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Day By Day - Lullaby

you know, the universe is singing a, "Lullaby", to us constantly to keep our minds, fast asleep and not question reality, all is vibratory motion of energetic states, and nothing is as it seems as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio
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