
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks,5000+ and if you keep going back, pretty much every track I've ever posted, just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read, what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, for over a 2 years solid play time, but you know, ya can't have it all looolz ;)
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Whitesquare - Traces To Nowhere

you knew, i had to give you, one more, right?, and now it's time, for me to go, and follow the non-localised, etheric multidimensional energy, "Traces To Nowhere", and everywhere, beyond the confines of this reality, and past its edges, to the place, where the dreams are made, up and out, second star to the right, and straight on, 'till morning, and with that, I AM out as, standardz, hahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio
end transmission :) #peace

Al3ne - Nomad (Original MIx) [Beatfreak Recordings]

well peep's it's that time again, when i go on my own solo journey, like a mental, "Nomad", wandering the down corridors of light, so i hope you enjoyed, all the tracks as much as me as, standardz, hahahahahahahaha, :) #edio


GabiM - Reset

you know, it's time to press, "Reset", on society, it has failed us all and many before us, we must remove the problems and address their root causes, we must help each other, without restriction or bias or for selfish purposes as, standardz, hahahahaha, :) #edio

Geist - Slum

you know, if we do nothing, we will all be forced in to one giant, "Slum", well tbf, i would say that its more of a giant concentration camp or a prison, where everyone lives in fear of each other, and are forced to fight over simple things, that we should have, it's time to change as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio
also i have a YouTube page, it has a copy of all my latest tracks,5000+ and if you keep going back, pretty much every track I've ever posted, just go to liked video's, and hit play all, and then you won't have to keep pressing play, but unfortunately you wont get to read, what i write, but you will get access, to a constant stream of tracks, for over a 2 years solid play time, but you know, ya can't have it all looolz ;)

Alex Stein - El Dorado

you know, we will create a better world, a place filled with wonder and and happiness, a place shining in the sky like, "El Dorado", (The Golden), star of perfect geometry and wisdom, floating as a symbol of all that is right and good as, standardz, hahahahahahaha, :) #edio

Alex Stein - Resistance

you know, my name is not important, but if you are reading these words, and getting this message, you are the, "Resistance", Fight The Fuckery as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Alex Stein - The Arrival

you know, "The Arrival", of our help is at hand, do not give up!, or lose hope!, Fight The Fuckery!, with everything you have as, standardz, hahahahahaha, :) #edio

Geist - New Era

you know, it's time for us to start the, "New Era", we cannot and must not allow them, to slow the progress of humanity, to keep us in chains and bound, to serve their will, we are not robots, we are not slaves, we are the peep's!, and were ready to change the world, and save the day as, standardz, hahahahahahahahahaha, :) #edio
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